Since 2022, this journal is published and hosted on Pensoft's ARPHA
Platform. Visit the new journal website.
Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt
Assistant Editor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt
Editorial Assistent: Cornelia Grunow
Advisory board:
Dr. Stephan M. Blank, Müncheberg
Dr. R. Gaedike, Bonn
Prof. Dr. B. Klausnitzer, Dresden
Prof. Dr. H. Malicky, Lunz
Dr. W. Mey, Berlin
Prof. Dr. G. Moritz, Halle / Saale
Prof. Dr. Zsolt Végvári, Debrecen
We are very conscious of the time and mental effort involved in refereeing a manuscript well, and also that so few referees receive adequate acknowledgement. The maintenance of a high academic standard in our journal is a top priority, and would be impossible without this co-operation. Thank you!