Beiträge zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Coleoptera - Curculionidae (Rhinomacerinae, Rhynchitinae, Attelabinae, Apoderinae).
The four subfamilies of weevils Rhinomacerinae, Rhychitinae, Attelabinae and Apoderinae are represented in the GDR by twelve genera and 30 species. The data of their distribution were establisbed by evaluating the relevant publications and the most important collections. For each species the following aspects are discussed: general distribution, occurrence in the districts of the GDR, mode of life, host plants, and economic significance in cases of forest pests, agricultural or garden pests. The treatment of these four subfamilies should be regarded as the first part of a survey of the Curculionidae of the GDR, though the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae (1972, p. 3-128) had to he treated earlier. Therefore this paper begins with a general characterization of the Curculionidae and a key to the 31 subfamilies occurring in Central Europe. While the keys cover all the taxa occurring in Central Enrope (subfamilies, genera, subgenera, spenies), the special faunistic part discusses in detail only those taxa that are known from the GDR.