Die Tetrigoidea von Afrika südlich der Sahara (Orthoptera: Caelifera).


  • Klaus Günther




Of the sentific work left by Klaus Günter, his paper on the diagnosis and definition of the different species of Tetrigoidea from Africa south of the Sahara is edited as being of fundamental value for the taxonomy and systematization of Tetrogoidea.

Nomenclatural Acts

montilunorum Rehn, 1914 (Acrydium), syn. n. of Leptacrydium gratiosum (Karsch, 1893)
aequalis (Karsch, 1890) (Afrolarcus), comb. n. hitherto Hypsaeus aequalis
clypeatus (Karsch, 1891) (Afrolarcus), comb.n. hitherto Piezotettix clypeatus
inaequalis (Karsch, 1890) (Afrolarcus), comb. n. hitherto Hypsaeus inaequalis
karschi (Bolívar, 1905) (Afrolarcus), comb. n. hitherto Piezotettix karschi
abidjanensis Günther, 1979 (Coptotettix), spec. n.
antennatus Günther, 1979 (Hedotettix), spec. n.
alticrista Günther, 1979 (Ibeotettix), spec. n.
steinbachi Günther, 1979 (Ibeotettix), spec. n.
angustatum Chopard, 1945 (Leptacrydium), syn. n. of Leptacrydium gratiosum (Karsch, 1893)
guineense Günther, 1979 (Leptacrydium), spec. n.
royi Günther, 1979 (Leptacrydium), spec. n.
imponens Günther, 1979 (Marshallacris), spec. n.
lesnei Günther, 1979 (Morphopoides), spec. n.
babaulti Chopard, 1921 (Pantelia), syn. n. of Trachytettix bufo voltaensis Sjöstedt, 1932
carinata Kirby, 1902 (Paratettix), syn. n. of Phloenotus humilis (Gerstaecker, 1869)
chopardi Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
cinereus Bolívar, 1887 (Paratettix), syn. n. of Paratettix scaber Thunberg, 1815
gilloni Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
lamellitettigodes Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
lippensi Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
obtusopulvillus Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
overlaeti Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
spretus Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. nov.
villiersi Günther, 1979 (Paratettix), spec. n.
wilwerthi Bolívar, 1908 (Paratettix), syn. n. of Paratettix africanus Bolívar, 1908
schoutedeni (Günther, 1939) (Pseudamphinotus), comb. n. hitherto Amphinotus schoutedeni
Afrolarcus Günther, 1979 (Tetrigoidea), gen. n.
Pseudamphinotus Günther, 1979 (Tetrigoidea), gen. n.
Tettiellona Günther, 1979 (Tetrigoidea), gen. n.
katangana Günther, 1979 (Tettiella), spec. n.
wittei Günther, 1979 (Tettiella), spec. n.
basilewskyi Günther, 1979 (Tettiellona), spec. n.
dasynotus (Rehn, 1914) (Tettiellona), comb. n. hitherto Acrydium dasynotum
solitaria Günther, 1979 (Tettiellona), spec. n.
virungana (Rehn, 1914) (Tettiellona), comb. n. hitherto Acrydium virunganum
tectatus Günther, 1979 (Thibron), spec. n.




How to Cite

Günther, K. 1979: Die Tetrigoidea von Afrika südlich der Sahara (Orthoptera: Caelifera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 29(1): 7–183 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.29.1.7-183


