Eine neue Protaphis-Art von Sonchus aus dem Sudan (Homoptera: Aphididae).
Apis (Protaphis) kenanae F. P. Müller und El Tigani spec. nov. was found on Sonchus cornutus Hochst. ex Oliv. et Hiern at Kenana Research Station near Abu Naama, Blue Nile Province. The aphis settled the tap-root and the lowest parts of their host plant. They were attended by ants. The apterous viviparous females differ from those of Aphis pseudocardui Theobald, 1915, by their short proceessus terminalis, which on the average is as long as the base of the sixth antennal segment, by the shorter siphunculi, which are shorter than half the length of the third antennal segment, by the greater number of hairs (17 to 25) at the cauda and by some other characteristics.
Nomenclatural Acts
kenanae Müller & El Tigani, El Amin, 1980 (Aphis (Protaphis)), spec. n.