Beiträge zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Coleoptera - Curculionidae (Tanymecinae, Leptopiinae, Cleoninae, Tanyrhynchinae, Cossoninae, Raymondionyminae, Bagoinae, Tanysphyrinae).
The fift contribution to the weevils of the GDR deals with the following eight sub-families: Tanymecinae, Leptopiinae, Cleoninae, Tanyrhynchinae, Cossoninae, Raymondionyminae, Bagoinae, Tanysphyrinae. All the species of Central Europe are discussed, covering 41 genera and 129 species. Of these eight sub-families, 31 genera and 85 species are to by found on the territory of the GDR. Each of the Central European species is treated under the following aspects: host plants mode of life, general distribution, occurrence in Central Europe and, in cases of agricultural or forest pests, economic significance. For the species extant in the GDR the distibution in the 15 districts of the Republic is established. The data of the distibution were obtained by evaluating publications and the most important collections and by the author's excursions made especially into the faunally less explored districts of the GDR.