Diptera Collectionis P. Gabriel Strobl - XIII (Typen-Designierung der Exemplare der sogenannten "Typensammlung").


  • Günter Morge




Part XIII of the reports on the revision of Father Gabriel Strobel's collection of Diptera gives a designation as types for those specimens of his special "collection of types" which definitively have the status of types.

Nomenclatural Acts

glaucophana Strobl, 1898 (Anthomyia), Lectotype
novemguttata Strobl, 1893 (Ardoptera), Lectotype
austriaca Czerny, 1900 (Aricia), Lectotype
trilobus Strobl, 1898 (Asilus), Lectotype
lateinterruptus Czerny & Strobl, 1909 (Asyndetus), Lectotype
triangularis Strobl, 1895 (Brachycampta), Lectotype
decoratissimus Strobl, 1910 (Ceratopogon), Lectotype
anthracophagoides Strobl, 1909 (Chlorops), Lectotype
pannonica Strobl, 1893 (Chlorops), Lectotype
atronitens Strobl, 1894 (Chortophila), Lectotype
alpicola Strobl, 1893 (Chrysotus), Lectotype
cochleare Strobl, 1895 (dynatosoma), Lectotype
sintenisi Strobl, 1910 (Eccoptomera), Lectotype
jugorum Strobl, 1894 (Echinomyia), Lectotype
alpicola Strobl, 1893 (Empis), Lectotype
obscuripennis Strobl, 1893 (Empis), Lectotype
pseudomalleola Strobl, 1893 (Empis), Lectotype
impennis Strobl, 1910 (Empis albinervis var.), Lectotype
alpicola Strobl, 1894 (Engyops pecchioli, var.), Lectotype
longicornis Strobl, 1894 (Erigone), Lectotype
simillima Strobl, 1893 (Euthyneura), Lectotype
pseudocincta Strobl, 1910 (Exechia), Lectotype
bivittata Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
braueri Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
carinthiaca Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
dimidiata Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
discolor Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
hirta Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
lasiochira Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
longicornis Strobl, 1894 (Hilara), Lectotype
mikii Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
pectinipes Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
pseudochorica Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
sulcitarsis Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
tiefii Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
tyrolensis Strobl, 1892 (Hilara), Lectotype
andermattensis Strobl, 1892 (Hilara longevittata), Lectotype
spiniger Strobl, 1892 (Hilara spinimana, var), Lectotype
pseudoarmata Strobl, 1894 (Homalomyia), Lectotype
kowarzi Strobl, 1894 (Lasiops), Lectotype
aestuum Villeneuve, 1902 (Limnophora (Neolimnophora)), Lectotype
nigrifemur Strobl, 1880 (Melanostoma mellinum, var.), Lectotype
albidipennis Strobl, 1893 (Oscinis), Lectotype
styriaca Strobl, 1898 (Oscinis), Lectotype
escorialensis Strobl, 1909 (Pachyrrhina analis var.), Lectotype
coerulescens Strobl, 1894 (Phorbia), Lectotype
appropinquata Strobl, 1900 (Phronia), Lectotype
emarginata Strobl, 1900 (Phronia), Lectotype
aperta Strobl, 1894 (Phyto), Lectotype
nigrifrons Strobl, 1910 (Piophila affinis, var.), Lectotype
longestylatus Strobl, 1898 (Porphyrops), Lectotype
crassicauda Strobl, 1893 (Rhamphomyia), Lectotype
galactoptera Strobl, 1893 (Rhamphomyia), Lectotype
pseudotrilineata Strobl, 1893 (Rhamphomyia), Lectotype
mikii Strobl, 1892 (Sapromyza), Lectotype
taurica Strobl, 1898 (Sciophila), Lectotype
multicingulata Strobl, 1893 (Siphonella), Lectotype
sordidissima Strobl, 1893 (Siphonella), Lectotype
rufiventris Strobl, 1910 (Sphegina zetterstedti, var.), Lectotype
jugorum Strobl, 1910 (Spilogaster), Lectotype
melanostomoides Strobl, 1880 (Syrphus), Lectotype
trifasciatus Strobl, 1898 (Syrphus bifasciatus, var.), Lectotype
styriaca Strobl, 1893 (Tachysta), Lectotype
nigroannulata Strobl, 1895 (Tipula), Lectotype
jugicola Strobl, 1898 (Trichosia), Lectotype
quadrispinosum Strobl, 1898 (Xiphandrium), Lectotype
petiolata Strobl, 1880 (Xysta), Lectotype




How to Cite

Morge, G. 1984: Diptera Collectionis P. Gabriel Strobl - XIII (Typen-Designierung der Exemplare der sogenannten "Typensammlung"). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 34(2): 319–335 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.34.2.319-335


