Untersuchungen zur Taxonomie paläarktischer Phycitinae (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea).
Prearing the monographic work obout the "quadrifinen Acrobasiina" (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) for the "Microlepidoptera Palaearctica" 15 species are regognised to belong not to this group; these are studied and their new taxonomic status is defined: 4 species are transfered to the "trifinen Acrobasiina", 10 species belong to the tribe "Physitina", and 1 species to the "Scopariinae" (Crambidae).
Nomenclatural Acts
convergens (Erschoff, 1874) (Ancylosis (Heterographis)), comb. n. hitherto Myelois convergens
demartinella Turati, 1922 (Bradyrrhoa), syn. n. of Epischnia cretaciella Mann, 1869
versicolorella Rebel, 1940 (Bradyrrhoa), syn. n. of Scoparia luteusalis Hampson, 1907
fartakensis (Rebel, 1907) (Ceroprepes), comb. n. hitherto Adelosemia fartakensis
lactealis Rothschild, 1915 (Christophia), syn. n. of Ancylodes pallens Ragonot, 1887
gulbaharensis Amsel, 1970 (Culcitaria), syn. n. of Uncinus discostriella Amsel, 1961
atrifasciella Ragonot, 1887 (Elegia), syn. n. of Elegia fallax (Staudinger, 1881)
inconspicuella (Ragonot, 1888) (Elegia), comb. n. hitherto Microthrix inconspicuella
miserabilis (Strand, 1918) (Elegia), comb. n. hitherto Microthrix miserabilis
omichleuta (Meyrick, 1934) (Elegia), comb. n. hitherto Microthrix omichleuta
relictella (Caradja, 1925) (Elegia), comb. n. hitherto Microthrix relictella
similella (Zincken, 1818) (Elegia), comb. n. hitherto Phycis similella
southi (West, 1932) (Elegia), comb. n. hitherto Phycita southi
conchyliella Ragonot, 1887 (Heterographis), syn. n. of Anoristia umbrifasciella Ragonot, 1887
iozona Meyrick, 1937 (Ichorarchis), syn. n. of Elegia fallax (Staudinger, 1881)
elegiella Amsel, 1953 (Ichorarchis iozona), syn. n. of Elegia fallax Staudinger, 1881)
marginepunctella Amsel, 1959 (Myelois), syn. n. of Euzophera sibcribrella Ragonot, 1887
nigribasella Ragonot, 1895 (Myelois), syn. n. of Elegia fallax (Staudinger, 1881)
albifasciella (Harting, 1937) (Pempelia), comb. n. hitherto Rhodophaea albifasciella
heringi (Ragonot, 1888) (Pempelia), comb. n. hitherto Rhodophaea heringi
macrodontella (Ragonot, 1887) (Phycita), comb. n. hitherto Megasis macrodontella
Ichorarchis Meyrick, 1937 (Phycitidae), syn. n. of Elegia Ragonot, 1887
Ingridiola Roesler, 1969 (Phycitidae), syn. n. of Anoristia Ragonot, 1887
Microthrix Ragonot, 1888 (Phycitidae), syn. n. of Elegia Ragonot, 1887
pallidisignata Toll, 1948 (Pristocera), syn. n. of Phycita macrodontella (Ragonot, 1887)
burkhunella Ragonot, 1888 (Salebria), syn. n. of Phycita macrodontella (Ragonot, 1887)