Contributions à la connaissance des Coleophoridae XLVIII. Quadre nouvelles espèces du genre Coleophora Hübner de l‘URSS.
Four new species of Coleophora from USSR. The work contains the description of four n. sp. of the Bucarest Natural History Museum collected by Max Bartel in the Soviet Union at the beginning of this century. Three species (C. numeniella, C. charadriella and C. tringella) originate from the Uralsk region (Kazakhstan und eine Art (C. pandionella) from Kasakewitsch (east Siberia).
Nomenclatural Acts
charadriella Baldizzone, 1988 (Coleophora), spec. n.
numeniella Baldizzone, 1988 (Coleophora), spec. n.
pandionella Baldizzone, 1988 (Coleophora), spec. n.
tringella Baldizzone, 1988 (Coleophora), spec. n.
How to Cite
Baldizzone, G. 1988: Contributions à la connaissance des Coleophoridae XLVIII. Quadre nouvelles espèces du genre Coleophora Hübner de l‘URSS. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 38(1): 74–82 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.38.1.74-82