Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Blattwespengattung Tenthredo L. (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinidae).
In this contribution additions to some species of the Tenthredo-arcuata-schaefferi-group are given. The females of the species occurring in the GDR and the males of the European species of this group are keyed. The species of the Tenthredo-brachycera and Tenthredo-vespiformis groups are revised. Taxonomical comments are given to five more species.
Nomenclatural Acts
appendicularis Malaise, 1934 (Allantus), Lectotype now a synonym of Tenthredo minuta (Jakovlev, 1892)
atratus André, 1883 (Allantus), syn. n. of Tenthredo (Cuneala) radoszkowskii (André, 1881)
confinis Konow, 1886 (Allantus), Lectotype; syn. n. of Tenthredo (Cuneala) radoszkowskii (André, 1881)
glesicornis Konow, 1899 (Allantus), Lectotype; syn. n. of Tenthredo ouralensis (André, 1881)
parviceps Konow, 1898 (Allantus), Lectotype; syn. n. of Tenthredo (Cuneala) radoszkowskii (André, 1881)
rupico Konow, 1908 (Allantus), syn. n. of Tenthredo maculiger (Jakovlev, 1892)
temuloides Zhelochovcev, 1934 (Allantus), syn. n. of Tenthredo scutellata (Mocsáry, 1909)
uralensis Dalla Torre, 1894 (Allantus), syn. n. of Tenthredo ouralensis (André, 1881)
guttator Malaise, 1934 (Allantus brachycerus, var.), syn. n. of Tenthredo brachycera (Mocsáry, 1909)
daetekensis Togashi, 1976 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo brachycera (Mocsáry, 1909)
discophora Konow, 1896 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo oryssoides Jakovlev, 1888
nivalis Lacourt, 1985 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo nigripleuris (Enslin, 1910)
saxonica Muche, 1968 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo solitaria Scopoli, 1763
soyensis Togashi, 1973 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo ouralensis (André, 1881)
spinipleuris Malaise, 1945 (Tenthredo), Lectotype
radoszkowskii (André, 1881) (Tenthredo (Cuneala)), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Macrophya radoszkowskii