Revision of the helvetica-group of the genus Ceropales Latreille (Hym.: Ceropalidae).


  • László Móczár



12 species are revised and 9 species described as new: Ceropales africana (female, male), C. angolaensis (female), C. dayi (female, male), C. ferugo (female, male), C. gambiae (female, male) und C. maliensis (female, male) (from tropical Africa); C. haupti (male) and C. indica (female, male) (from Asia) and C. australensis (female, male) (from Australia). New females of C. lawrencei Arnold and C. spinolai nom. nov., as well as new males of C. waltoni Arnold and C. helvetica bogdoensis Moczar are described for the first time. C. sponolai nom. nov. for the homonym C. interrupta Spinola. Lectotypes are designated and holotypes are confirmed. On the basis of the original material new synonyms are established: C. diversipes Haupt (female) and C. picturatus Haupt (male) jun. syn. = C. kriechbaumeri Magretti; C. fulvus Haupt (female, male) jun. syn. = variolosa Arnold and C. sabulicola Priesner (female, male) jun. syn. = juncoi Giner. A key and new distributional data are given.

Nomenclatural Acts

africana Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
angolensis Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
australensis Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
dayi Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
diversipes Haupt, 1962 (Ceropales), syn. n. of Ceropales kriechbaumeri Magretti, 1884
ferrugo Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
fulvus Haupt, 1962 (Ceropales), syn. n. of Ceropales variolosa Arnold, 1937
gambiae Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
haupti Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
indica Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
judicatrix Nurse, 1902 (Ceropales), Lectotype
karooensis Arnold, 1937 (Ceropales), Lectotype
kriechbaumeri Magretti, 1884 (Ceropales), Lectotype
ligea Bingham, 1903 (Ceropales), Lectotype
maliensis Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), spec. n.
multipicta Arnold, 1937 (Ceropales), stat. n. described as Ceropales karooensis sspec. multipicta
picturatus Haupt, 1962 (Ceropales), syn. n. of Ceropales kriechbaumeri Magretti, 1884
sabulicola Priesner, 1955 (Ceropales), Lectotype; syn. n. of Ceropales juncoi Giner, 1945
spinolai Móczár, 1989 (Ceropales), nom. n. pro Ceropales interrupta Spinola, 1838, nec Say, 1837
waltoni Arnold, 1937 (Ceropales), stat. n. described as Ceropales karooensis sspec. waltoni




How to Cite

Móczár, L. 1989: Revision of the helvetica-group of the genus Ceropales Latreille (Hym.: Ceropalidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 39(1): 9–61 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.39.1.9-61


