Revision einiger Typen der von Otto Schmiedeknecht beschriebenen paläarktischen Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera).


  • Klaus Horstmann



The types of Western Palaearctic Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) described by Otto Schmiedeknecht are scattered over at least 21 museums. Some of these collections are characterized and the possible types existing in them are listed. Revisions of 91 species and varieties are compiled, including all taxa, the types of which are not found in Schmiedeknecht's personal collections in Berlin and Rudolstadt. Lectotypes are designated for 22 taxa, and 13 new synonyms are indicated. A new name Trematopygodes rarus, is given to Trematopygodes blancoburgensis of authors, not of Schmiedeknecht. Nine taxa could not be interpreted, their types being lost. In an appendix 98 species described by Förster and published by Schmiedeknecht are discussed.

Nomenclatural Acts

debilis Schmiedeknecht, 1911 (Acroblapticus), Lectotype now a synonym of Gnathochorisis dentifer (Thomson, 1888)
thomsoni Schmiedeknecht, 1911 (Adelognathus), Lectotype
krapinensis Schmiedeknecht, 1930 (Amblyteles hungaricus var.), syn. n. of Eutanyacra glaucatoria (Fabricius, 1793)
alticola Schmiedeknecht, 1910 (Banchus volutatorius var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Banchus volutatorius (Linnaeus, 1758)
gaullei Schmiedeknecht, 1896 (Cryptus), syn. n. of Synechocryptus levaillantii (Lucas, 1849)
dimidiatipennis Schmiedeknecht, 1905 (Hemiteles), Lectotype now a synonym of Obisiphaga stenoptera (Marshall, 1868)
disputabilis Schmiedeknecht, 1897 (Hemiteles), Lectotype; syn. n. of Mastrulus marshalli (Bridgman & Fitch, 1882)
blancoburgensis Schmiedeknecht, 1928 (Ichneumon), Lectotype; syn. n. of Ichneumon cerinthius Gravenhorst, 1820
faroensis Schmiedeknecht, 1938 (Ichneumon), syn. n. of Ichneumon ligatorius Thunberg, 1822
henschi Schmiedeknecht, 1929 (Ichneumon), syn. n. of Barichneumon anator (Fabricius, 1793)
scanicus Schmiedeknecht, 1929 (Ichneumon), syn. n. of Ichneumon corfitzi Thomson, 1890
annulicornis Schmiedeknecht, 1928 (Ichneumon derasus var.), syn. n. of Virgichneumon monostagon (Gravenhorst, 1820)
bipunctatus Schmiedeknecht, 1928 (Ichneumon derasus var.), syn. n. of Coelichneumon haemorrhoidalis (Gravenhorst, 1829)
nigricornis Schmiedeknecht, 1928 (Ichneumon rubricosus var.), syn. n. of Gareila tenebrosa (Wesmael, 1844)
blancoburgensis Schmiedeknecht, 1912 (Lathrolestes), Lectotype; syn. n. of Trematopygodes aprilinus (Giraud, 1872)
atropos Schmiedeknecht, 1900 (Lissonota), Lectotype
dalmatica Schmiedeknecht, 1907 (Lissonota), Lectotype now a synonym of Lissonota bivittata Gravenhorst, 1829
thomsoni Schmiedeknecht, 1900 (Lissonota), Lectotype; syn. n. of Lissonota rusticator (Thunberg, 1822)
unicincta Holmgren, 1860 (Lissonota), syn. n. of Lissonota rusticator (Thunberg, 1822)
ruficoxis Schmiedeknecht, 1900 (Lissonota sulphurifera var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Lissonota fundator (Thunberg, 1822)
holmgreni Schmiedeknecht, 1925 (Mesoleius), Lectotype
unifasciatus Schmiedeknecht, 1905 (Microcryptus), Lectotype now a synonym of Pleolophus vestigialis (Förster, 1850)
thomsoni Schmiedeknecht, 1913 (Phobetus), Lectotype
autumnalis Schmiedeknecht, 1905 (Phygadeuon), Lectotype
habermehli Schmiedeknecht, 1906 (Pimpla), Lectotype now a synonym of Scambus nigricans (Thomson, 1877)
zonatella Schmiedeknecht, 1914 (Pimpla), Lectotype now a synonym of Scambus calobatus (Gravenhorst, 1829)
rubrotinctus Schmiedeknecht, 1914 (Scopesus), Lectotype
coxalis Schmiedeknecht, 1905 (Stylocryptus), Lectotype now a synonym of Endasys testaceipes (Brischke, 1891)
ornaticornis (Schmiedeknecht, 1897) (Theroscopus), Lectotype described as Hemiteles ornaticornis
modestus Schmiedeknecht, 1912 (Thymaris), Lectotype
rarus Horstmann, 1990 (Trematopygodes), spec. n.




How to Cite

Horstmann, K. 1990: Revision einiger Typen der von Otto Schmiedeknecht beschriebenen paläarktischen Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 40(1): 31–61 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.40.1.31-61


