Fünfter Beitrag zur Systematik der Blattwespengattung Tenthredo L. (Hymenoptera, Symphyta).


  • Andreas Taeger




A key to the Tenthredo species of Middle Asia (including other species from Central Asia) is given. 12 species are redescribed, T. nuristanica spec. nov. is described, and taxonomical comments on 6 more species are given. Tenthredo balabatea Rohwer and T. eximia (Kuznetzov-Ugamski) are removed from synonymy. Allantus xylota Jakovlev is found to be a subspecies of T. solitaria Scopoli (T. solitaria xylota (Jakovlev) stat. nov.). The following new synonyms have been found: T. reinigi Mallach syn. nov. of T. haberhaueri (Kirby), T. atra verticale Muche syn. nov. of T. echo Zhelochovtsev, Allantus semenovi Jakovlev and T. semenovi var. pleuronotata Forsius syn. nov. of T. sobrina Eversmann, T. variolata Saini & Singh syn. nov. of T. dilaticornis Muche, T. mussoriensis Togashi syn. nov. of T. trochanterata Cameron, and Perineura fulvitarsis André syn. nov. of T. trabeata Klug. Lectotypes have been selected for Allantus filiola Jakovlev, Tenthredo atra verticalis Muche and Tenthredo sobrina Eversmann.

Nomenclatural Acts

semenovi Jakovlev, 1892 (Allantus), syn. n. Tenthredo (Tenthredella) sobrina Eversmann, 1847
fulvitarsis André, 1881 (Perineura), syn. n. of Tenthredo (Maculedo) trabeata Klug, 1817
mussooriensis Togashi, 1987 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo (Tenthredo) trochanterata (Cameron, 1876)
reinigi Mallach, 1931 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo (Tenthredo) haberhaueri (Kirby, 1889)
variolata Saini & Singh, 1988 (Tenthredo), syn. n. of Tenthredo (Tenthredo) dilaticornis Muche, 1986
balabatea Rohwer, 1921 (Tenthredo (Tenthredo)), stat. rev. previously a synonym of Tenthredo (Tenthredo) hymalayensis (Radoszkowski, 1871)
eximia Kuznetzov-Ugamski, 1927 (Tenthredo (Tenthredo)), stat. rev. hitherto a synonym of Tenthredo grombczewskii (Jakovlev, 1892)
nuristanica Taeger, 1992 (Tenthredo (Tenthredo)), spec. n.
verticale [recte: verticalis] Muche, 1973 (Tenthredo atra), Lectotype; syn. n. of Tenthredo (Tenthredo) echo Zhelochovtsev, 1961
pleuronotata Forsius, 1934 (Tenthredo semenovi var.), syn. n. Tenthredo (Tenthredella) sobrina Eversmann, 1847
xylota (Jakovlev, 1892) (Tenthredo solitaria), stat. rev. described as Allantus xylota
filiola (Jakovlev, 1892) (Tenthredo Tenthredo)), Lectotype described as Allantus filiola




How to Cite

Taeger, A. 1992: Fünfter Beitrag zur Systematik der Blattwespengattung Tenthredo L. (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 42(1): 3–53 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.42.1.3-53


