Kommentiertes Verzeichnis der Symmocidae, Blastobasidae und Gelechiidae Ostdeutschlands (Lepidoptera).


  • Ole Karsholt




200 species of Gelechiidae, 2 species of Symmocidae and 4 species of Blastobasidae are listed from East Germany. Monochroa simplicella (Lienig & Zeller), and M. divisella (Douglas) are recorded as new to Germany, and Xenolechia aethiops (Humphreys & Westwood), Gelechia asinella (Hübner), G. hippophaella (Schrank) and Syncopacma suecicella (Wolff) are recorded as new to East Germany. Notes are given on 19 species which have been recorded from East Germany, but which were misidentified, or of which no correctly identified material could be traced. Scrobipalpula pallidella (Heinemann) is a new synonym of S. psilella (Herrich-Schäffer), Syncopacma biformella (Schütze) is a new synonym of S. vinella (Bankes), and Anacampsis quercella (Chrétien) is a new synonym of A. timidella (Wocke). Lectotypes of Apodia martinii (Petry), Gnorimoschema streliciella (Herrich-Schäffer), Syncopacma biformella (Schütze), and Anacampsis timidella (Wocke) are designated. Comments are made on the taxonomic status of Apodia martinii (Petry) and Psoricoptera speciosella Teich, and the nomenclature of Mirificarma interrupta (Curtis), of Scrobipalpa stangei (E. Hering), and of Ephysteris inustella (Herrich-Schäffer).

Nomenclatural Acts

biformella Schütze, 1902 (Anacampsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Syncopacma vinella (Bankes, 1898)
disquei Mees, 1907 (Anacampsis), syn. n. of Anacampsis timidella (Wocke, 1887)
timidella (Wocke, 1887) (Anacampsis), Lectotype
martinii Petry, 1911 (Apodia), Lectotype
streliciella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) (Gnorimoschema), Lectotype
pallidella Heinemann, 1870 (Lita), syn. n. of Scrobipalpula spilella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854)




How to Cite

Karsholt, O. 1995: Kommentiertes Verzeichnis der Symmocidae, Blastobasidae und Gelechiidae Ostdeutschlands (Lepidoptera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 45(1): 137–154 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.45.1.137-154


