Some types of Sepsidae in the Berlin and Eberswalde Museums (Diptera).


  • Andrej Leonidovitsch Ozerov



Fourty three primary types of Sepsidae in the Zoological Museum, Museum für Naturkunde an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and in the collections of the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde, are treated. Lectotypes are designated for 26 species, 3 new junior synonyms are reported, and 3 names are re-instated.

Nomenclatural Acts

laticornis (Duda, 1926) (Archisepsis), Lectotype described as Sepsis laticornis
niveipennis (Becker, 1903) (Australosepsis), Lectotype described as Sepsis niveipennis
crassiseta Duda, 1926 (Enicita annulipes var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Themira annulipes (Meigen, 1826)
simplicicrus Duda, 1926 (Leptomerosepsis), Lectotype
pectinulata Loew, 1873 (Nemopoda), Lectotype
dentatiformis (Duda, 1926) (Palaeosepsis), Lectotype described as Sepsis dentatiformis
maculata (Duda, 1926) (Palaeosepsis), Lectotype described as Sepsis dentata var. maculata
nigritarsis Duda, 1926 (Paratoxopoda), Lectotype now a synonym of Paratoxopoda tricolor (Walker, 1849)
flavitarsis Duda, 1926 (Paratoxopoda nigritarsis var.), Lectotype now Paratoxopoda flavitarsis
speiseri Duda, 1926 (Pseudonemopoda), Lectotype
albolimbata Meijere, 1913 (Sepsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis dissimilis Brunetti, 1910
arotrolabis Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype
coprophila Meijere, 1906 (Sepsis), Lectotype
femoriseta Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype
fissa Becker, 1903 (Sepsis), Lectotype
glabra Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis igniventris Thomson, 1869
hirtipes Becker, 1903 (Sepsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Lasiosepsis melanota (Bigot, 1886)
latiforceps Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype
macrochaetophora Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype
melanopoda Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis flavimana Meigen, 1826
pilipes Loew, 1873 (Sepsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis duplicata Haliday, 1838
spectabilis Meijere, 1906 (Sepsis), Lectotype; syn. n. of Sepsis testacea Walker, 1856
tuberculata Duda, 1926 (Sepsis), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis nitens Wiedemann, 1824
acroleucoptera Duda, 1926 (Sepsis albopunctata var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis dissimilis Brunetti, 1910
setipes Duda, 1926 (Sepsis arotrolabis var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis arotrolabis Duda, 1926
subrecta Duda, 1926 (Sepsis femoriseta var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis femoriseta Duda, 1926
aequipilosa Duda, 1926 (Sepsis lateralis var.), Lectotype now Sepsis aequipilosa Duda, 1926
bigemmis Duda, 1926 (Sepsis lateralis var.), Lectotype now Sepsis bigemmis Duda, 1926
validiseta Duda, 1926 (Sepsis macrochaetophora var.), Lectotype now Sepsis validiseta
kerteszi Duda, 1926 (Sepsis melanopoda var.), Lectotype now a synonym of Sepsis flavimana Meigen, 1826
seticrus Duda, 1926 (Themira), Lectotype
discedens (Becker, 1903) (Toxopoda), Lectotype described as Amydrosoma discedens




How to Cite

Ozerov, A. L. 1997: Some types of Sepsidae in the Berlin and Eberswalde Museums (Diptera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 47(2): 477–487 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.47.2.477-487


