A revision of Othius Stephens - V. The species of the Himalayan region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Xantholininae).


  • Volker Assing




The accessible types and further material of Himalayan Othius Stephens are revised. 24 species are recognized, 12 of which are described for the first time: O. extraordinarius sp. n. (India: Himachal-Pradesh), O. sinuosus sp. n. (Karakoram), O. infestus sp. n. (East Nepal), O. acifer sp. n. (East Nepal), O. conifer sp. n. (East Nepal), O. truncatus sp. n. (East Nepal), O. clavifer sp. n. (East Nepal), O. virgifer sp. n. (East Nepal), O. corniger sp. n. (East Nepal), O. longicuneatus sp. n. (Central Nepal), O. jaegeri sp. n. (Central Nepal), and O. schawalleri sp. n. (Central Nepal). The following new combinations and synonymies are established: Othius nepalensis (Scheerpeltz, 1976), comb. n. (transferred from Othiogeiton), and Othius Stephens, 1829 = Othiogeiton Scheerpeltz, 1976, syn. n. Lectotypes are designated for Othius apicalis Cameron, 1926, Othius flavocaudatus Cameron, 1926, and Othius ruficornis Cameron, 1928. The diagnoses include drawings of the genitalia and further distinguishing characters; they are complemented by comments on the distribution and bionomics of the species. A key allowing identification of the Himalayan representatives of Othius is provided.


Coleoptera - Staphylinidae - Xantholininae - Othiini - Othius - Palaearctic - Himalaya - distribution - ecology - taxonomy - revision - new species - lectotype designation - new synonym - key to species.

Nomenclatural Acts

acifer Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
apicalis Cameron, 1926 (Othius), Lectotype
clavifer Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
conifer Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
corniger Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
extraordinarius Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
flavocaudatus Cameron, 1926 (Othius), Lectotype
infestus Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
jaegeri Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
longicuneatus Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
nepalensis (Scheerpeltz, 1976) (Othius), comb. n. hitherto Othiogeiton nepalensis
ruficornis Cameron, 1928 (Othius), Lectotype
schawalleri Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
sinuosus Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
truncatus Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.
virgifer Assing, 1998 (Othius), spec. n.




How to Cite

Assing, V. 1998: A revision of Othius Stephens - V. The species of the Himalayan region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Xantholininae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 48(2): 293–342 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.48.2.293-342


