The diving beetles of Kamchatka, with additional records from Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae).


  • Anders N. Nilsson
  • Sergey K. Kholin
  • Noboru Minakawa



The dytiscid fauna of the north-east Asian peninsula Kamchatka is reviewed based on literature records and more recent collections. The following ten species are here reported from Kamchatka for the first time: Hygrotus marklini (Gyllenhal), Hydroporus notabilis LeConte, H. submuticus Thomson, H. tristis (Paykull), H. uenoi Nakane, Oreodytes okulovi Lafer, Agabus balkei Fery & Nilsson, A. discolor Harris, Ilybius chishimanus Kôno, Rhantus suturellus (Harris), and Graphoderus perplexus Sharp. Altogether 38 species of Dytiscidae are now known from Kamchatka, and of these 22 have Holarctic distributions. Graphoderus perplexus is here reported for the Palearctic Region for the first time. Additional records are given for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The following four species are here reported from Sakhalin for the first time: Hydroporus nigellus Mannerheim, Agabus kholini Nilsson, Ilybius angustior (Gyllenhal), and Acilius canaliculatus (Nicolai). The following ten species are here reported from the Kuril Islands for the first time: Hydroporus nigellus, H. notabilis, H. submuticus, H. tristis, Agabus clypealis (Thomson), A. confinis (Gyllenhal), A. costulatus (Motschulsky), A. discolor, Ilybius discedens Sharp, and Colymbetes dahuricus Aubé. Nine of the species were found in the North Kurils, whereas H. tristis was found in the South Kurils. With these additions, 39 species are now known from Sakhalin, and 36 from the Kuril Islands.




How to Cite

Nilsson, A. N., Kholin, S. K., & Minakawa, N. 1999: The diving beetles of Kamchatka, with additional records from Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 49(1): 107–131 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.49.1.107-131


