Revision of the Megaselia giraudii and M. densior species complexes of Europe, including ecological notes (Diptera, Phoridae).


  • Matthias Buck
  • R. Henry L. Disney



The Megaselia giraudii and M. densior species groups are revised to include a total of twenty-one described European species. Eight species are new to science: M. citrinella Buck sp. n., M. glabrimargo Buck sp. n., M. hexanophila Buck sp. n., M. immodensior Disney sp. n. (= M. densior auctt., nec Schmitz), M. labellaspinata Disney sp. n. (= M. septentrionalis auctt., nec Schmitz), M. mimodensior Buck sp. n., M. raruvesiculae Disney sp. n., and M. xanthophila Buck sp. n.. Megaselia phoenicura (Schmitz), M. badia Schmitz and M. hayleyensis Disney (all described from males only) are synonymised with M. quadriseta (Schmitz) (previously only known in the female sex). Many specimens previously assigned to M. badia are recognised as being M. densior Schmitz, and M. coulsoni Disney is synonymised with this species. Lectotypes are designated for M. albicans (Wood), M. densior, M. offuscata Schmitz, M. phoenicura and M. quadriseta, and a neotype is designated for M. comosa (Schmitz). The males of M. rubricornis (Schmitz) and females of M. correlata (Schmitz), M. haraldlundi Disney and M. parnassia Disney are described for the first time. The putative male of M. sanguinea (Schmitz) and the putative female of M. albicans are also described for the first time. The recognition of other species is clarified including four species that do not belong to the giraudii/densior complex (M. nigrescens (Wood), M. opacicornis Schmitz, M. rubida (Schmitz), and M. ustulata (Schmitz)). A revised key to males and a new key to females is provided, utilising the novel taxonomic character of the subcuticular sensilla inside the third antennal segment, and giving special attention to the morphology of the female ovipositor and vaginal sclerite. Biological data (breeding substrates of larvae, bait, colour and habitat preference of adults) are reported for most species.


Diptera, Phoridae, Megaselia, taxonomy, rearing, saprophages, bait trap, Europe.

Nomenclatural Acts

comosa Santos Abréu, 1921 (Aphiochaeta), Neotype; syn. n. of Megaselia giraudii (Egger, 1862)
phoenicura Schmitz, 1926 (Aphiochaeta), Lectotype; syn. n. of Megaselia quadriseta (Schmitz, 1918)
albicans Wood, 1908 (Megaselia), Lectotype described as Phora albicans
badia Schmitz, 1938 (Megaselia), syn. n. of Megaselia quadriseta (Schmitz, 1918)
bayleyensis Disney, 1987 (Megaselia), syn. n. of Megaselia quadriseta (Schmitz, 1918)
citrinella Buck, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
coulsoni Disney, 1987 (Megaselia), syn. n. of Megaselia densior Schmitz, 1927
densior Schmitz, 1926 (Megaselia), Lectotype
glabrimargo Buck, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
hexanophila Buck, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
immodensior Disney, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
labellaspinata Disney, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
mimodensior Buck, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
offuscata (Schmitz, 1921) (Megaselia), Lectotype described as Phiochaeta offuscata
quadriseta (Schmitz, 1918) (Megaselia), Lectotype described as Aphiochaeta lutea var. quadriseta
raruvesiculae Disney, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
xanthophila Buck, 2001 (Megaselia), spec. n.
rata Collin in Wood, 1908 (Phora), Lectotype now a synonym of Megaselia giraudii (Egger, 1862)




How to Cite

Buck, M., & Disney, R. H. L. 2001: Revision of the Megaselia giraudii and M. densior species complexes of Europe, including ecological notes (Diptera, Phoridae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 51(1): 73–154 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.51.1.73-154


