Jahresdynamik und Habitatbindung von Wanzen (Heteroptera) auf renaturierten Moorstandorten in den Kendlmühlfilzen (Oberbayern, Lkr. Traunstein).


  • Christian Wagner
  • Franz Peter Fischer
  • Jan Sliva




In 1998, the Heteroptera fauna of six selected habitats in the Kendmühlfilzen, an ombrotrophic bog south of Lake Chiemsee (Upper Bavaria, County of Traunstein), was investigated. Parts of the Kendlmühlfilzen were formerly exploited for peat and were restored eleven years ago. Carex rostrata wetland, birch woodland, Calluna-heathland, Eriophorum vaginatum wetland, and sedge-rich floating mats on restored areas represent succession states due to different abiotic conditions (groundwater level, nutrient supply). The sixth site was a natural peat bog (hummock-hollow-complex) and served as reference of undisturbed habitats. The samples were made with an insect suction sampler (D-vac) and with a sweep net. Additional plots in border areas included, a total of 6750 true bugs of 55 species were collected. Bavarian records, annual activity dynamics and habitat preferences in the Kendlmühlfilzen of several remarkable and frequent species are described. - Populations dynamics with one activity maximum (hibernation as eggs) or two and more activity maxima (hibernation as imago) were observed. The following indicator species were identified: (1) e.g. Nabis rugosus, (2) Kleidocerys resedae and Pilophorus clavatus, (3) Scolopostethus decoratus, Orthotylus ericetorum and Nabis ericetorum, (4) Hebrus pusillus, (5) Microvelia reticulata, Cymus melanocephalus, Pachybrachius fracticollis and Pachybrachius luridus, and for habitat (6) Agramma ruficorne. Hebrus ruficeps and Agramma ruficorne are tyrphophilous in the Kendlmühlfilzen.


Hochmoor, Heteroptera, tyrphophil, hygrophil, Hebrus ruficeps, Jahresdynamik, Renaturierung, Habitatbindung, Kendlmühlfilzen.




How to Cite

Wagner, C., Fischer, F. P., & Sliva, J. 2002: Jahresdynamik und Habitatbindung von Wanzen (Heteroptera) auf renaturierten Moorstandorten in den Kendlmühlfilzen (Oberbayern, Lkr. Traunstein). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 52(2): 417–447 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.52.2.417-447


