Systematische Umstellungen, neue Fundorte und Wirtspflanzen der Tingidae der Äthiopis (Insecta: Heteroptera, Tingoidea).
For three species of african Tingidae are made systematic changes: Compseuta sejuncta Drake, 1948 = independent species, no synonym to Compseuta montandoni Distant, 1904 (stat. nov.); Eteoneus inopinus Drake, 1945 = Kapiriella conradsi Drake, 1957 = Kapiriella inopinus (Drake, 1945) (syst. nov., comb. nov.), Mummius minor Duarte-Rodrigues, 1977 = Sinuessa minor (Duarte-Rodrigues, 1977) (comb. nov.). For several tingid species new data on distribution and one host-plant are given.
Nomenclatural Acts
sejuncta Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), stat. n. not a synonym of Compseute montandoni Distant, 1904
conradsi Drake, 1957 (Kapiriella), syn. n. of Kapiriella inopinus (Drake, 1945)
inopinus (Drake, 1945) (Kapiriella), comb. n. hitherto Eteoneus inopinus
minor (Duarte-Rodrigues, 1977) (Sinuessa), comb. n. hitherto Mummius minor