Digitale Entomologische Information.


  • Eckhard K. Groll
  • Gabriele Mirschel



The removal of the institute „Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (DEI)“ to the new building at Müncheberg resulted in fundamental improvements both in technical conditions for the collections and the ability of the institute to perform its role as a unique source of entomological information. The insect collection and the stock of the entomological library (code: B15) are now housed in secure, air-conditioned storerooms, equipped with compact shelving. Stock indexing remains however altogether insufficient. While data on the types in some insect collections are available in the internet within the framework of projects such as „Digitized Orthoptera Specimens Access (DORSA)“ or „Electronic Catalogue of the Symphyta of the World (EcatSym)“, the stock of the library can at present only be consulted by visiting the reading room or through interlibrary loan. - Three projects are used as examples to demonstrate how the DEI has under its own initiative improved the availability of its library stock: „Bibliography of the Entomological Literature - Index novus Litteraturae entomologicae, pars I: usque ad 1863“, „Biographies of the Entomologists of the World“ and „Digital Card Index B15 - Stock of Monographs and Series until 1975“. - Future developments, like the presentation of information in common library portals, will depend on cooperation with the associations „Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV)“ and „Virtual Library Biology“. User-friendly accessibility of data is the constant goal, achieved by exchange of metadata, communication using standardized interfaces and the shared indexing of specialized entomological information.




How to Cite

Groll, E. K., & Mirschel, G. 2005: Digitale Entomologische Information. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 55(2): 411–419 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.55.2.411-419


