Aleocharinae dell'Africa meridionale al Naturkundemuseum di Erfurt (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).


  • Roberto Pace



In the present paper nine tribes (Hypocyphtini, Leucocraspedini, Homalotini, Autaliini, Falagriini, Athetini, Lomechusini, Thamiaraeini and Aleocharini), fourteen genera (Oligota, Leucocraspedum, Placusa, Autalia, Cordalia, Falagria, Amischa, Aloconota, Parapodoxya, Atheta, Pelioptera, Zyras, Akronusa and Aleochara) and 32 species are recognized. One genus, Akronusa, of the Thamiaraeini, is described as new to the science. Seventeen species are described as new to the science, two of the genus Oligota (O. namibiensis, O. klimaszewskii), one of the genus Leucocraspedum (L. zuluense), one of the genus Amischa (A. sudafricana), one of the genus Aloconota (A. capensis), one of the genus Parapodoxya (P. elephantium), eight of the genus Atheta (A. cerdarmontis, A. klimaszewskii, A. biflagellifera, A. arndti, A. addensis, A. afrocaviphila, A. topiaria and A. tsitsikammensis), one of the genus Pelioptera (P. natalensis), one of the genus Akronusa (A. sudafricana) and one of the genus Aleochara (A. zulu). Leucocraspedum cameroni is the new name for Leucocraspedum africanum Cameron, 1948, junior homonym of Leucocraspedum africanum Bernhauer, 1943. New combination for one species is proposed. All new species and the new genus are illustrated and the new species are compared to the similar species. Acrotona and Oxypodera are considered junior synonyms of Atheta (as subgenera).


Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, taxonomy, new genus, new species, Southern Africa.

Nomenclatural Acts

sudafricana Pace, 2006 (Akronusa), spec. n.
zulu Pace, 2006 (Aleochara (Coprochala)), spec. n.
capensis Pace, 2006 (Aloconota), spec. n.
sudafricana Pace, 2006 (Amischa (Amischa)), spec. n.
addensis Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Acrotona)), spec. n.
arndti Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Acrotona)), spec. n.
biflagellifera Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Acrotona)), spec. n.
cerdarmontis Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Acrotona)), spec. n.
klimaszewskii Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Acrotona)), spec. n.
afrocaviphila Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Alomacrotona)), spec. n.
topiaria Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Oxypodera)), spec. n.
tsitsikammensis Pace, 2006 (Atheta (Oxypodera)), spec. n.
cameroni Pace, 2006 (Leucocraspedum), nom. n. pro Leucocraspedum africanum Cameron, 1948, nec Bernhauer, 1943
zuluense Pace, 2006 (Leucocraspedum), spec. n.
klimaszewskii Pace, 2006 (Oligota (Holobus)), spec. n.
namibiensis Pace, 2006 (Oligota (Holobus)), spec. n.
elephantium Pace, 2006 (Parapodoxya), spec. n.
natalensis Pace, 2006 (Pelioptera), spec. n.
Akronusa Pace, 2006 (Staphylinidae), gen. n.



How to Cite

Pace, R. 2006: Aleocharinae dell'Africa meridionale al Naturkundemuseum di Erfurt (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 56(1): 161–188 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.56.1.161-188


