Der pannonische Raum und seine östlichen Interferenzen aus einer lepidopterologischen Perspektive.
The Pannonic region, especially where it abuts on and is influenced by the continental sub- regions towards the East, is a haven for complex habitats characterized by very high biodiversity and a high percentage of endemic taxa. The maximum diversity is recorded in the North-East and East of Hungary, as well as in the transitional areas of Transylvania. As a consequence of the interactions of ecosystems, on relatively small areas (200-300 ha) characterized by a mosaic of habitats, more than 1500 species of Lepidoptera and about 1000 species of vascular plants have been recorded. As a result of a comparison of flora and fauna supported by climatic and pedological data, numerous similarities but also certain characteristic differences between the genuine Pannonic region and Transylvania were established. Using numerous examples, the authors try to explain the origin and evolution of these unique, complex habitats, and the great importance of protecting them.