Zur Arthropodenfauna von Brandenburg - Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen 1995 - 1997 in Lebus / Oder.
The area around Lebus is remarkable for the occurrence of numerous xerothermophile species, as well as for its faunistic value in providing many first records and records of rediscovered species. Some of these reach the northern or western edge of their range in the Oder Region. During the research period 1198 species of arthropods were recorded on 20 sampling areas in the Oderberge Nature Reserve. The degree of endangerment of selected species and types of habitat is indicated. The synbiological behaviour of Meloidae species with respect to the species-rich fauna of Hymenoptera (determined by the habitat structure, partly sparse vegetation, and loess content of the soil on the slopes of the Oder Valley) is described and characteristic combinations of species presented in exemplary fashion for selected habitats. The inventory of beetles for the area is nearly unaltered since 1930. An evaluation of the habitats for the purposes of nature conservation is presented. The subcontinental steppe-grasslands of the Oder Valley slopes and the sections of banks of the Oder without dams are identified as areas of the highest value. Recommendations are made for methods of management which will help protect them.
Odergebiet, Steppenrasen, Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Araneae, Bewertung, Naturschutz.