Xiphydriidae of the Philippines, Insular Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Fiji (Hymenoptera).


  • David R. Smith




Woodwasps of the family Xiphydriidae from the Philippines, insular Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Fiji are reviewed. Twenty-six species in six genera are keyed, described, and illustrated. Two species are recorded from the Philippines, three species from insular Malaysia, eight species from Indonesia, nine species from Papua New Guinea, four species from New Caledonia, and one species from Fiji. Taxa described are Lissoxiphyda, n. gen., L. kiunga, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), L. lucida, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), L. morobe, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), L. rufipes (F. Smith, 1859), n. comb. (Indonesia: Aru), L. shinoharai, n. sp. (Indonesia: Sulawesi), L. simbai, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), L. tripotini, n. sp. (New Caledonia); Calexiphyda, n. gen., C. blanki, n. sp. (New Caledonia), C. caledonia, n. sp. (New Caledonia), C. crocea, n. sp. (New Caledonia); Indoxiphia Maa, 1949, I. darlingi, n. sp. (Indonesia: Kalimantin), I. falcata, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea: New Ireland), I. fijiensis, n. sp. (Fiji), I. laeviceps (F. Smith, 1861) (Indonesia: Ambon, Buru; Papua New Guinea), I. maai, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), I. papuaensis, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), I. quadricincta (Benson, 1935) (Indonesia: Java), I. schiffi, n. sp. (Papua New Guinea), I. sumatra, n. sp. (Indonesia: Sumatra); Obesaxiphyda, n. gen., O. banahao, n. sp. (Philippines), O. borneensis (Rohwer, 1921), n. comb. (Malaysia: Sabah); Hyperxiphia Maa, 1949, H. cyanea (Mocsáry, 1891) (Indonesia: Java), H. flavicornis (Rohwer, 1921), n. comb. (Malaysia: Sabah), H. sulawesi, n. sp. (Indonesia: Sulawesi); Lataxiphyda, n. gen., L. erythropus (Cameron, 1903), n. comb. (Malaysia: Sarawak), L. paraerythropus, n. sp. (Malaysia: Selangor), L. pyrura (Rohwer, 1921), n. comb. (Philippines). Two males for which names were proposed are placed as unassociated in their respective genera, Calexiphyda novacaledonica (Jennings and Austin, 2007), n. comb., and Indoxiphia testacea (Mocsáry, 1900), n. comb. Cingalixiphia Maa, 1949, is a new synonym of Indoxiphia Maa, 1949, and Palpixiphia Maa, 1949, is a new synonym of Hyperxiphia Maa, 1949. Hyperxiphia formosana (Enslin, 1911) and Obesaxiphyda heritierae (Rohwer, 1921) are new combinations.


Symphyta, Xiphydriidae, woodwasps, southeastern Asia, Indo-Australia, Philippines, insular Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Fiji.

Nomenclatural Acts

blanki Smith, 2008 (Calexiphyda), spec. n.
caledonica Smith, 2008 (Calexiphyda), spec. n.
crocea Smith, 2008 (Calexiphyda), spec. n.
novacaledonica (Jennings & Austin, 2007) (Calexiphyda), comb. n. hitherto ??
flavicornis (Rohwer, 1921) (Hyperxiphia), comb. n. hitherto Xiphydria flavicornis
sulawesi Smith, 2008 (Hyperxiphia), spec. n.
Cingalixiphia Maa, 1949 (Indoxiphia), syn. n. of Indoxiphia Maa, 1949; hitherto a subgenus of this genus
darlingi Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
falcata Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
fijiensis Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
laeviceps F. Smith, 1861 (Indoxiphia), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Xiphidria laeviceps
maai Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
papuaensis Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
schiffi Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
sumatra Smith, 2008 (Indoxiphia), spec. n.
testacea (Mocsáry, 1900) (Indoxiphia), comb. n. hitherto Xiphydria testacea
erythropus (Cameron, 1903) (Lataxiphyda), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Xiphydria eryrthropus
paraerythropus Smith, 2008 (Lataxiphyda), spec. n.
pyrura (Rohwer, 1921) (Lataxiphyda), comb. n. hitherto Xiphydria pyrura
kiunga Smith, 2008 (Lissoxiphyda), spec. n.
lucida Smith, 2008 (Lissoxiphyda), spec. n.
morobe Smith, 2008 (Lissoxiphyda), spec. n.
rufipes (F. Smith, 1859) (Lissoxiphyda), comb. n. hitherto Xiphidria rufipes
shinoharai Smith, 2008 (Lissoxiphyda), spec. n.
simbai Smith, 2008 (Lissoxiphyda), spec. n.
tripotini Smith, 2008 (Lissoxiphyda), spec. n.
banahao Smith, 2008 (Obesaxiphyda), spec. n.
borneensis (Rohwer, 1921) (Obesaxiphyda), comb. n. hitherto Xiphydria heritierae borneensis
heritierae (Rohwer, 1921) (Obesaxiphyda), comb. n. hitherto Xiphydria heritierae
melanopus Cameron, 1903 (Xiphydria), Lectotype now a synonym of Lataxiphyda erythropus (Cameron, 1903)
Calexiphyda Smith, 2008 (Xiphydriidae), gen. n.
Lataxiphyda Smith, 2008 (Xiphydriidae), gen. n.
Lissoxiphyda Smith, 2008 (Xiphydriidae), gen. n.
Obesaxiphyda Smith, 2008 (Xiphydriidae), gen. n.




How to Cite

Smith, D. R. 2008: Xiphydriidae of the Philippines, Insular Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Fiji (Hymenoptera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 58(1): 15–95 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.58.1.15-95


