Bemerkungen zu der Gattung Elasmognathus Fieber, 1844, und Beschreibung einer neuen Art (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae).
The three known species of the genus Elasmognathus: auriculatus Péricart, 1985, and helferi Fieber, 1844, from Asia and fieberi Stål, 1855, out of Africa are charaterized shortly. One fourth new species is described from Tanzania (Africa) as Elasmognathus tansaniellus. A table for determination of the species is given and the literature is quoted.
Nomenclatural Acts
tansaniellus Göllner-Scheiding, 2010 (Elasmognathus), spec. nov.
How to Cite
Göllner-Scheiding, U. 2010: Bemerkungen zu der Gattung Elasmognathus Fieber, 1844, und Beschreibung einer neuen Art (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 60(1): 105–110 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.60.1.105-110