Revision der Eoophyla ceratucha-Gruppe und ihre Verbreitung in Südostasien (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, Crambidae: Acentropinae).


  • Birgit Jaenicke
  • Wolfram Mey



Within the Acentropinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) the genus Eoophyla Swinhoe, 1900 is one of the richest in numbers of species. The distibution area covers the tropical Asia and Africa. The genus is subdivided into groups of species, which are separated according to external charakters from each other. Furthermore there are isolated species, which do not fit in any of the established groups. E. ceratucha (Meyrick, 1894) belongs to the latter group. After examination of an extensive material from Southeast Asia the species proved to be a complex of at least eleven species. - Here the species are summarized in the new established ceratucha group. Three synapomorphies could be found for this group. E. liwaguensis Mey, 2009, belonging to the angustalis group, was identified to be the adelphotaxon. All species of the ceratucha group are described in detail and illustrated with its external and genitalmorphologic characters. Six species were recognized as new to science and are described here as: E. continentalis sp. nov., E. corniculata sp. nov., E. profalcatalis sp. nov., E. promiscuata sp. nov., E. silvicola sp. nov. and E. sumatroceratucha sp. nov. Description and designation of one additional species from Thailand is postponed because of lacking material. - Within males unknown structures at the midlegs and at the prothorax were discovered, which could be an indication of an sound producing organ. - A hypothesis of relationship within the speciesgroup was developed on an morphological basis. Three subgroups were recognized. The distribution of the group is restricted to Sundaland and the neighbouring areas of Thailand to South Vietnam on the Asian continent. However the individual species have much smaller ranges and are usually restricted to one or two islands. Distribution maps for all species are provided. - The biology of the species is unknown. They are inhabitants of streams and little rivers in lowland rainforests and must be considerd as endangered.


Insecta, Lepidoptera, Acentropinae, Eoophyla, taxonomy, new species, zoogeography, phylogeny, South-East Asia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia.

Nomenclatural Acts

continentalis Jaenicke & Mey, 2011 (Eoophyla), spec. nov.
corniculata Jaenicke & Mey, 2011 (Eoophyla), spec. nov.
profalcatalis Jaenicke & Mey, 2011 (Eoophyla), spec. nov.
promiscuata Jaenicke & Mey, 2011 (Eoophyla), spec. nov.
silvicola Jaenicke & Mey, 2011 (Eoophyla), spec. nov.
sumatroceratucha Jaenicke & Mey, 2011 (Eoophyla), spec. nov.




How to Cite

Jaenicke, B., & Mey, W. 2011: Revision der Eoophyla ceratucha-Gruppe und ihre Verbreitung in Südostasien (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, Crambidae: Acentropinae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 61(1): 3–87 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.61.1.3-87


