The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae).


  • Ulrich Irmler



In this study on the Neotropical osorine complex (species formerly placed under the genus Osorius) all species are described and keys to the species are provided that are now included in the genus Osoriellus. Ten species groups were separated: Osoriellus-coronatus-group with O. coronatus as new species; O.-laeviusculus-group containing 2 species with O. schubarti as new species; O.-oculatus-group containing 5 species with O. hanagarthi, O. ocularis, O. denticornis and O. sexdentatus as new species; O.-bicornis-group with 8 new species O. bicornis, O. spinosus, O. corniculatus, O. bovis, O. cornutus, O. sinuatus, O. sinuatoangularis, and O. subsinuatus; O.-hirtulus-group with 6 species including O. setulosus, O. setifer, O. pubicollis, O. setosus, and O. pubescens as new species; O.-granarius-group containing three new species O. granarius, O. cornifrons, and O. granarius; O.-guiananus-group with 8 species including O. diversus, O. macrops, O. longipunctatus, O. melancholicus, and O. silvaticus as new species; O.-mrazi-group with the single new species O. mrazi; O.-s. str.-group containing 51 species with O. punctatellus, O. indescriptus, O. coruscus, O. luteus, O. asperatus, O. coriaceus, O. latitibialis, O. grossopunctatus, O. surinamensis, O. flaveolus, O. huggerti, O. obtusicollis, O. levyi, O. loksai, O. bicolor, O. ashei, O. humicola, O. boliviensis, O. parumpunctatus, O. tuxtlae, O. multipunctatus, O. triangulatus, O. majusculus, O. trapezoides, O. rubripennis, O. seriatus, O. verhaaghi, O. fumarius, O. caliginosus, O. rougemonti, and O. opacus as new species; remaining-species-group with 20 species including O. orbiculatus, O. opticus, O. digitatus, O. acutus, O. rectangulus, O. rufescens, O. loreti, O. adustus, O. lescheni, O. infuscatus, O. opacinotus, and O. sticticus as new species. The species O. acupunctus (Bernhauer, 1933) and O. ogloblini (Bernhauer 1933) are syonym to O. argentinus (Bernhauer, 1911), O. laeviceps (Notman, 1925) is synonym to O. eggersi (Bernhauer, 1904), O. mundus (Sharp, 1887) is synonym to O. latipes (Gravenhorst, 1806), O. lynchi (Bernhauer, 1933) is synonym to O. neotropicus (Bernhauer, 1908). Overall, 71 species are newly described contributing to the 105 species of the genus in the Neotropical region. The ten species groups, geographic aspects and the species richness of the genus are discussed.


Neotropis, new species, geographic distribution, Osoriinae, biodiversity

Nomenclatural Acts

acutus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
adustus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
anceps Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
argentinus (Bernhauer, 1911) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius argentinus Bernhauer, 1911
ashei Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
asperatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
bicolor Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
bicornis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
boliviensis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
bovis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
breviceps (Notman, 1925) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius breviceps Notman, 1925
brevicornis (Notman, 1920) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius brevicornis Notman, 1920
brevipennis (Notman, 1925) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius brevipennis Notman, 1925
caliginosus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
carinicollis (Notman, 1925) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius carinicollis Notman, 1925
cordovensis (Bernhauer, 1910) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius cordovensis Bernhauer, 1910
coriaceus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
corniculatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
cornifrons Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
cornutus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
coronatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
coruscus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
crassus (Sharp, 1887) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius crassus Sharp, 1887
debilis (Sharp, 1887) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius debilis Sharp, 1887
denticornis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
digitatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
diversus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
eggersi (Bernhauer, 1904) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius eggersi Bernhauer, 1904
exiguus (Notman, 1925) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius exiguus Notman, 1925
flaveolus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
franckei (Wendeler, 1955) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius franckei Wendeler, 1955
frater (Lynch, 1884) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius frater Lynch, 1884
fumarius Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
germanus (Sharp, 1887) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius germanus Sharp, 1887
granarius Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
grossopunctatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
guiananus (Bernhauer, 1934) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius guiananus Bernhauer, 1920
haitiellus (Darlington, 1937) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius haitiellus Darlington, 1937
hanagarthi Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
hirtulus (Fauvel, 1891) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius hirtulus Fauvel, 1891
huggerti Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
humicola Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
indescriptus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
infuscatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
laeviusculus (Bernhauer, 1920) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius laeviusculus Bernhauer, 1920
latipes (Gravenhorst, 1806) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Oxytelus latipes Gravenhorst, 1806
latitibialis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
lescheni Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
levyi Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
lewisi (Blackwelder, 1943) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius lewisi Blackwelder, 1943
loksai Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
longipunctatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
loreti Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
luteus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
macrops Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
majusculus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
melancholicus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
mexicanus (Bernhauer, 1910) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius mexicanus Bernhauer, 1910
micros (Sharp, 1887) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osoriellus micros Sharp, 1887
minor (Notman, 1925) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius minor Notman, 1925
mrazi Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
multipunctatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
neotropicus (Bernhauer, 1908) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius neotropicus Bernhauer, 1908
notmani (Darlington, 1937) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius notmani Darlington, 1937
obtusicollis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
ocularis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
oculatus (Sharp, 1876) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius oculatus Sharp, 1876
opacinotus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
opacus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
opticus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
orbiculatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
parcus (Sharp, 1887) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius parcus Sharp, 1887
parumpunctatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
pubescens Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
pubicollis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
rectangulus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
rougemonti Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
rubripennis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
rufescens Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
rugipennis (Bernhauer, 1910) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius rugipennis Bernhauer, 1910
salvini (Sharp, 1887) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius salvini Sharp, 1887
schubarti Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
schwarzi (Notman, 1925) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius schwarzi Notman, 1925
seriatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
setifer Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
setosus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
setulosus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
sexdentatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
sexpunctatus (Bernhauer, 1912) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius sexpunctatus Bernhauer, 1912
silvaticus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
sinuatoangularis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
sinuatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
solidus (Sharp, 1876) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius solidus Sharp, 1876
spinosus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
sticticus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
subsinuatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
surinamensis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
trapezoides Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
triangulatus Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
trinitatis (Blackwelder, 1943) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius trinitatis Blackwelder, 1943
tunariensis Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
tuxtlae Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
verhaaghi Irmler, 2014 (Osoriellus), spec. n.
weberi (Blackwelder, 1943) (Osoriellus), comb. n. hitherto Osorius weberi Blackwelder, 1943
acupunctus Bernhauer, 1933 (Osorius), syn. n. of Osoriellus argentinus (Bernhauer, 1911)
laeviceps Notman, 1925 (Osorius), syn. n. of Osoriellus eggersi (Bernhauer, 1904)
lynchi Bernhauer, 1933 (Osorius), syn. n. of Osoriellus neotropicus (Bernhauer, 1908)
mundus Sharp, 1887 (Osorius), syn. n. of Osoriellus latipes (Gravenhorst, 1806)
ogloblini Bernhauer, 1933 (Osorius), syn. n. of Osoriellus argentinus (Bernhauer, 1911)




How to Cite

Irmler, U. 2014: The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 64(2): 231–354 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.64.2.231-354


