New species and additional records of Lomechusini from the Palaearctic region, primarily from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae).


  • Volker Assing



Six species of Lomechusini from China and North India are (re-)described and illustrated: Drusilla yunnanensis Pace, 1993; D. watanabei Maruyama & Kishimoto, 2002; D. flagellata spec. nov. (China: Yunnan); D. palata spec. nov. (China: Yunnan); Amaurodera angularis spec. nov. (North India: West Bengal); Lomechusoides penicillatus spec. nov. (China: Gansu). Two synonymies are proposed: Drusilla canaliculata (Fabricius, 1787) = D. puncticollis Motschulsky, 1845, syn. nov.; Amaurodera smetanai Pace, 1992 = A. yaoana Pace, 1992, syn. nov. Additional records of 29 previously described species of Drusilla Leach, 1819, Pella Stephens, 1835, Amaurodera Fauvel, 1905, Tetrabothrus Bernhauer, 1915, and Lomechusoides Tottenham, 1939 are reported from the Palaearctic region, primarily from China, among them several new country records and the first record of Pella lugens (Gravenhorst, 1802) from the East Palaearctic. The previously unknown aedeagus of Pella reuteri Assing, 2008, the previously unknown female sexual characters of Amaurodera ilamica Assing, 2005, and the primary sexual characters of several Pella species recorded from China are illustrated. The distributions of the Drusilla species currently known from China are illustrated.


Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Drusilla, Pella, Amaurodera, Lomechusoides, East Palaearctic region, China, taxonomy, new species, new synonymy, additional records, distribution maps.

Nomenclatural Acts

angularis Assing, 2015 (Amaurodera), spec. n.
fulgens Assing, 2003 (Amaurodera), stat. rev. no synonym of Amaurodera silvana Pace, 1992
verrucosa Assing, 2003 (Amaurodera), stat. rev. no synonym of Amaurodera martensi Coiffait, 1982
flagellata Assing, 2015 (Drusilla (Drusilla)), spec. n.
palata Assing, 2015 (Drusilla (Drusilla)), spec. n.
penicillatus Assing, 2015 (Lomechusoides), spec. n.




How to Cite

Assing, V. 2015: New species and additional records of Lomechusini from the Palaearctic region, primarily from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 65(2): 243–262 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.65.2.243-262


