Revision of the Baeoglena species of the West Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae)
Oxypoda, Baeoglena, West Palaearctic region, taxonomy, new species, new synonymies, lectotype designations, zoogeography, interspecific competition, distribution maps, checklist, key to speciesAbstract
The subgenus Baeoglena Thomson, 1867 of the speciose aleocharine genus Oxypoda Mannerheim, 1830 has been subject to considerable taxonomic confusion rendering a reliable identification of material from regions other than Central Europe and the Canary Islands virtually impossible. Based on a revision of abundant material from various major public and private collections, seven species are distributed in the West Palaearctic region exclusive of the Canary Islands. Two new species are described and illustrated: Oxypoda (Baeoglena) rectacia spec. nov. (East Mediterranean, from South Greece to the Middle East) and O. (B.) derecta spec. nov. (West Caucasus, Northeast Anatolia). Diagnoses and illustrations of the genitalia are provided for the remaining five species. The following synonymies are established: Oxypoda nova Bernhauer, 1902 = O. giachinoi Pace, 2001, syn. nov.; O. hispanica Fagel, 1958 and its replacement name O. inexpectata Fagel, 1965 are removed from synonymy with O. praecox Erichson, 1839 and synonymized with O. fusina Mulsant & Rey, 1875. Oxypoda recondita Kraatz, 1856 and O. dalmatina Bernhauer, 1905 are excluded from Baeoglena and moved to the subgenus Bessopora Thomson, 1859. Lectotypes are designated for Oxypoda nova Bernhauer, 1902, O. caucasica Bernhauer, 1902, and O. kuehnelti Scheerpeltz, 1963. An outline of the taxonomic history, a diagnosis of the subgenus, a checklist, and a key to species are provided. A zoogeographic analysis revealed some remarkably discontinuous distributions and parapatric distribution patterns which are plausibly explained only with interspecific competition among Baeoglena species. The distributions of the subgenus as a whole and of the individual species in the West Palaearctic region are mapped.
Taxonomic acts
Oxypoda rectacia spec. nov. –
Oxypoda derecta spec. nov. –