Descriptions of two new African Curranosia species with characteristics not yet reported from the genus and remarks on the subspecies of Curranosia spekei s. l. (Diptera; Muscidae)


  • Eberhard Zielke Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia


Insecta, Muscini, Curranosia setissima spec. nov., Curranosia allroundera spec. nov., Afrotropical Region, Uganda, Cameroun, transfer of subspecies to species status


Curranosia setissima spec. nov. and Curranosia allroundera spec. nov. are described from Uganda and Cameroun, respectively. Both species are marked by taxonomic characteristics, which were not known hitherto from other species of the genus. C. setissima is distinguished from all other species by an extraordinarily long ventral hair-like seta on the distal end of the stem vein of the wing. Curranosia allroundera has practically all characteristics present which are typical for Curranosia, but, unusual for the genus, the lower calypter does not extend under the scutellum and appears in general clearly smaller than in most of the other species of the genus. In addition, it is the first species of the genus with a violet-brownish or yellowish-brownish abdomen, depending on the point of viewing. It is also recommended that each subspecies of Curranosia spekei s. l. be treated as a distinct species, namely as Curranosia spekei (Jaennicke, 1867), Curranosia pilarara (Snyder, 1951) and Curranosia vansomereni (Snyder, 1951).

Nomenclatural acts

Curranosia setissima spec. nov. –
Curranosia allroundera
spec. nov. –




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How to Cite

Zielke, E. . 2021: Descriptions of two new African Curranosia species with characteristics not yet reported from the genus and remarks on the subspecies of Curranosia spekei s. l. (Diptera; Muscidae) - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 71(1): 167–176 Retrieved from


