A taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic ant subgenus Coptoformica Müller, 1923 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

With 40 figures and 7 tables and an electronic supplementary information SI1, SI2, SI3


  • Bernhard Seifert Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz
  • Roland Schultz Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz




cryptic species, polymorphism, morphometrics, hybridization


A taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic ant subgenus Coptoformica Müller, 1923 is presented based on Numeric Morphology-Based Alpha-Taxonomy (NUMOBAT). Indicated by five morphological and one morpho-ethological character, all species of the subgenus Coptoformica form a well-circumscribed group of undoubtedly monophyletic origin. Standardized morphological character systems were described numerically to allow objective hypothesis formation by exploratory data analyses and testing by hypothesis-driven data analyses. NUMOBAT data on 25 characters were recorded in a total of 944 samples (largely nest samples) with 3660 worker individuals and 402 gynes. Further 250 samples were investigated by subjective visual inspection. Comparative tables and keys to workers and gynes are presented. Intraspecific polymorphism is shown to represent a big challenge in Coptoformica taxonomy and is extremely developed in the Palaearctic population of Formica exsecta in which occurrence of distinct, most certainly genetically determined morphs within the same nest mound is no rare phenomenon. With the exception of Formica bruni x pressilabris, no conclusive indications on interspecific hybridization exist in Coptoformica. The complete absence of comparative studies on nuclear DNA and the abundance of cryptic species are probable explanations for this low level of hybrid identification. Considering 32 available names, the survey recognized 14 good species, 15 junior synonyms and 3 names not interpretable to species level (Incertae Sedis). Taxonomic changes relative to the revision of Seifert (2000) were as follows: Elevation to species rank was performed in Formica longiceps Dlussky, 1964 and F. brunneonitida Dlussky, 1964 whereas F. caucasicola spec. nov. was described as new Caucasian endemic species. Formica fossilabris Dlussky, 1965 has been recognized as junior synonym of F. pisarskii Dlussky, 1964.


Nomenklatorische Handlungen

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How to Cite

Seifert, B., & Schultz, R. 2021: A taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic ant subgenus Coptoformica Müller, 1923 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): With 40 figures and 7 tables and an electronic supplementary information SI1, SI2, SI3 - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 71(2): 177–220 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.71.2.177-220


