In memory of Bruno Peter: fresh insights on the Swiss sawfly fauna (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)

With 18 figures and 1 table


  • Ewald Jansen
  • Andreas Taeger Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg
  • Andrew Liston Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg



biography, Switzerland, new records, altitude, Argidae, Cephidae, Tenthredinidae, Xyelidae


Bruno Peter-Sager (1943–2018) was a Swiss entomologist who collected and studied sawflies, and published on these under the name Bruno Peter. His large collection is deposited in the Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany. Following a short biography, we present commentaries on noteworthy specimens from Switzerland and some general and specific characteristics of the Swiss sawfly fauna, based on his collection and database. Twenty sawfly species are recorded for the first time in Switzerland: Aprosthema bifurca, Arge fuscipennis, Cladardis hartigi, Dolerus altivolus, D. brevicornis, D. zhelochovtsevi, Empria fletcheri, Euura amentorum, E. cyrnea, E. longiserra, E. scotonota, Nescianeura noblecourti, Pristiphora depressa, P. luteipes, P. nigricans, Rhogogaster polaris, Taxonus alboscutellatus, Tenthredo semicolon, Tenthredopsis tischbeinii and Calameuta idolon. Three species are removed from the national list: Cladardis bordonii, Taxonus sticticus and Tomostethus melanopygius. Records from Switzerland of seven little-known or rarely recorded species are also discussed. Data for most specimens collected by B. Peter include altitude, enabling presentation of results of some analyses of species richness related to altitude, as well as examples of patterns of altitudinal abundance for selected species.


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How to Cite

Jansen, E., Taeger, A., & Liston, A. 2021: In memory of Bruno Peter: fresh insights on the Swiss sawfly fauna (Hymenoptera, Symphyta): With 18 figures and 1 table - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 71(2): 283–300 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.71.2.283-300


