Ursachen für das ungleiche Ausreifen von Himbeeren (Thysanoptera: Thripidae; Coleoptera: Byturidae).


  • Rüdiger Domes




1. Some hundred specimens of Frankliniella intonsa Tryb., larvae, praepupae, pupae, and imagines were found in the hollow spaces between fruit and clinanthium of unequal matured raspberries. - 2. The increase of Frankliniella intonsa Tryb. on raspberries culminates in June. - 3. Especially during the culmination of increase there appear suction-injuries on single fruits, which set riping before the time in the course of a few hours. - 4. The sort "Stuttgart" was found to be more seriously infested than the sorts "NZ 55a" and "Schönemann". - 5. Unequal fructescens is attended with increased susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea. - 6. Also cutting and damaging the tissue of ducts by feeding larvae of Byturus tomentosus Fabr. is a cause of the carpels riping before the time as separated from their support of nutrition. - 7. Under conditions as temperature of 23-27°C and support of nutrition artificially interrupted full grown-up carpels are already mature after 4 hours, while undergrown carpels dry up. - 8. Sharp lines between mature and immature carpels indicate injuries being produced by Byturus, in case of diffuse transitions Frankliniella is to be regarded. - 9. Counting out the unequal matured fruits there remained a number of them impossible to explain the cause of their injury.




How to Cite

Domes, R. 1957: Ursachen für das ungleiche Ausreifen von Himbeeren (Thysanoptera: Thripidae; Coleoptera: Byturidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 7(3-4): 263–267 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.7.3-4.263-267


