Eine neue Buprestidenart aus dem baltischen Bernstein nebst Bemerkungen über einige fossile Buprestiden (Coleoptera: Buprestidae).


  • Jan Obenberger




In the first part of this paper there is described a new very interesting species of Buprestidae fom Baltic amber, Mastogenius primaevus n. sp., belonging to the recent genus Mastogenius Solier, which is to-day especially distributed in the neotropical region. There are known 3 species from Brazil, 3 from Chile, 2 from Central America, 6 from North America, 1 from Madagascar, 1 from Transvaal, and 1 from Australia. This genus together with 6 other genera forms an own ancient subfamily Mastogeninae. There is given an analytic key for identification of these genera of Mastogeninae. In the second part the author comments upon "Käfer der eozänen Braunkohle des Geiseltales", published by Haupt in "Geologica", Heft 6, 1950. He makes strictures upon several Buprestidae described in this work. Based upon drawings and reconstructions of this author he comes to the result, that all the species described there are certainly new, but their generic position being frequently misinterpreted, the additional conclusions applying to the relationship etc. are quite erroneous. The author concludes his discussion with the postulation, that a work like that of Haupt, touching both entomological and palaeontological problems should never be published without contacting the specialists of the groups in question, especially in the tropic fauna.

Nomenclatural Acts

primaevus Obenberger, 1957 (Mastogenius), spec. n.




How to Cite

Obenberger, J. 1957: Eine neue Buprestidenart aus dem baltischen Bernstein nebst Bemerkungen über einige fossile Buprestiden (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 7(3-4): 308–316 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.7.3-4.308-316


