Die Genitalien der paläarktischen Tineiden (Lepidoptera: Tineidae).


  • Günther Petersen




There are discussed male and female genitalia structures and their importance for the identification of two groups of lower Tineidae, which were nearly unknown as to their genital morphology and distribution. Genera and species dealt with in this paper are of high interest to the derivation of Acrolophidae and Psychidae Talaeporiinae. By means of the study of types and other authentic specimens, kindly placed to the authors disposal by several European museums, this third part of the publication on the genitalia of palaearctic Tineidae uncovers again a remarkable number of synonyms and misinterpretations. There are discribed and figured new species and a new genus.

Nomenclatural Acts

agenjoi Petersen, 1957 (Catabola), nom. n. pro Crassicornella crassicornella Agenjo, 1952, nec Zeller, 1847
bifurcatella Petersen, 1957 (Catabola), spec. n.
biskraella (Rebel, 1901) (Catabola), Lectotype described as Tineola biskraella
zernyi Petersen, 1957 (Catabola), spec. n.
judaica Amsel, 1935 (Hapsiferodes), syn. n. of Cinnerethica tabghaella Amsel, 1935
cuencella Petersen, 1957 (Myrmecozela lambessella), sspec. n.
luteocapitella Amsel, 1935 (Tinea), syn. n. of Episcardia violacella (Rebel, 1893)
turatiella Millière, 1885 (Tinea), syn. n. of Ateliotum petrinellum (Herrich-Schäffer, 1853)
Crassicornella Agenjo, 1952 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Catabola Durrant, 1913
Dysmasia Petersen, 1957 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Ateliotum Zeller, 1839
Morophagoides Petersen, 1957 (Tineidae), gen. n.
Praelongicera Amsel, 1956 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Catabola Durrant, 1913
Proctolopha Rebel, 1915 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Myrmecozela Zeller, 1852
Tineomorpha Amsel, 1956 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Catabola Durrant, 1913
fucoviolacella Ragonot, 1895 (Tineola), syn. n. of Episcardia violacella (Rebel, 1893)
marianii Turati, 1931 (Tineola), syn. n. of Catabola crassicornella (Zeller, 1847)




How to Cite

Petersen, G. 1957: Die Genitalien der paläarktischen Tineiden (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 7(5-6): 557–595 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.7.5-6.557-595


