Die Genitalien der paläarktischen Tineiden (Lepidoptera: Tineidae).
With the above publication, dealing with the most primitive group of lower Tineidae, the work on the genitalia of palaearctic Tineidae is brought to an end. There is included an appendix containing some genera and species the systematic position of which is still dubious. An index of genera and species dealt with, including the numerous synonyms, is to facilitate the utiliziation of the work.
Nomenclatural Acts
cinereella Caradja, 1926 (Hapsifera), syn. n. of Hapsifera barbata (Christoph, 1882)
tibulella Rebel, 1936 (Myrmecozela), syn. n. of Rhodobates unicolor (Staudinger, 1870)
jerichoella Amsel, 1935 (Pseudohapsifera), syn. n. of Hapsifera multiguttella (Ragonot, 1895)
mauretanicus Petersen, 1958 (Rhodobates), spec. n.
pallipalpellus Rebel, 1901 (Rhodobates), Lectotype
unicolor (Staudinger, 1870) (Rhodobates), Lectotype described as Morophaga unicolor
atactopis Meyrick, 1937 (Talaeporia), syn. n. of Rhodobates pallipalpellus Rebel, 1901
Euplocera Ragonot, 1895 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Hapsifera Zeller, 1847
Pararhodobates Petersen, 1958 (Tineidae), gen. n.
Pseudohapsifera Amsel, 1935 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Hapsifera Zeller, 1847
Tineodoxa Amsel, 1955 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Rhodobates Ragonot, 1895
Titaenodes Hinton & Bradley, 1956 (Tineidae), syn. n. of Praeacedes Amsel, 1954