Die europäischen Arten der Gattungen Praon und Areopraon (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae). Eine monographische Revision.


  • Manfred Mackauer




1. This monographical revison deals with the European species of the two genera Praon Haliday 1833 s. s. and Areopraon n. gen. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae). - 2. Special stress is laid upon the biology (larval development, diapause, reproduction, sex ratio, economic value, host specifity, existence of ecological or physiological strains, etc.). - 3. The identification of the various species is primarily based upon morphological characters, especially upon the form of the petiole and the detailed structure of the external genitalia of females. The importance of the habitatio typica is pointed out. - 4. According to the different kinds of pupation and morphological distinctions the genus Praon Haliday 1833 s. l. is split up into the genus Praon Haliday 1833 s. s. and the new genus Areopraon n. gen. 5. The following five species are described as new: Areopraon pilosum n. sp., Praon bicolor n. sp., Praon necans n. sp., Praon spinosum n. sp. and Praon volucre (Haliday 1833) ssp. myzophagum n. ssp.; the latter is to be understood as an ecological subspecies. - 6. The new form Praon n. sp., aff. dorsale (Haliday 1833) is described according to the rules of the nomenclatura aperta. - 7. A neotypus is defined for the species Praon exoletum (Nees 1811) s. s. - 8. The species Praon palitans Muesebeck 1956 is assigned as a geographical subspecies of Praon exoletum (Nees 1811). - 9. The name Praon eollaris Foerster is a nomen nudum. - 10. The three forms Praon angulator (Nees 1834), Praon emacerator (Nees 1834) and Praon peregrinum Ruthe 1859 are stated to be species dubia.

Nomenclatural Acts

pilosum Mackauer, 1959 (Areopraon), spec. n.
Areopraon Mackauer, 1959 (Braconidae), gen. n.
bicolor Mackauer, 1959 (Praon), spec. n.
necans Mackauer, 1959 (Praon), spec. n.
spinosum Mackauer, 1959 (Praon), spec. n.
myzophagum Mackauer, 1959 (Praon volucre), sspec. n.




How to Cite

Mackauer, M. 1959: Die europäischen Arten der Gattungen Praon und Areopraon (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae). Eine monographische Revision. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 9(7-8): 810–865 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.9.7-8.810-865


