Archiperlaria, eine neue Unterordnung der Plecopteren (Revision der Familien Eustheniidae und Diamphipnoidae) (Plecoptera).


  • Joachim Illies



A revision of the family Eustheniidae Tilly. (Plecoptera) is given. The former subfamily Diamphipnoinae Ricker is transformed to the rank of a family and also revised. The various, mostly archaic characters common to both families (such as lateral abdominal gills in the larvae - see fig. 6 and 12 -, plesiomorph genital system - see fig. 2 — and numerous crossveins in the anal part of hind wings in the adults - see fig. 5 and 14) allow to establish a new suborder: Archiperlaria. The range of distribution of the Eustheniidae shows (fig. 4.) that the group is endemic in the southern hemisphere and that its evolution took place in a former antartic continent, connecting New Zealand + Australia with the southern parts of western South America. As new genera and species are described (Eustheniidae): Neuroperlopsis patris n. gen. n. sp. (fig. 9, 10), (Diamphipnoidae): Diamphipnoa helgae n. sp.(fig. 1, 15), Diamphipnopsis samali n. gen. n. nom. (fig. 12a, 13a, 18, 19), Diamphipnopsis beschi n. sp. (fig. 20).

Nomenclatural Acts

helgae Illies, 1960 (Diamphipnoa), spec. n.
Diamphipnopsis Illies, 1960 (Diamphipnoidae), gen. n.
beschi Illies, 1960 (Diamphipnopsis), spec. n.
samali Illies, 1960 (Diamphipnopsis), nom. n. pro Diamphipnoa virescentipennis Šamal, 1931, nec Blanchard, 1851
Neuroperla Illies, 1960 (Eustheniidae), gen. n.
Neuroperlopsis Illies, 1960 (Eustheniidae), gen. n.
schedingi (Navás, 1929) (Neuroperla), comb. n. hitherto Stenoperla schedingi Navás, 1929
patris Illies, 1960 (Neuroperlopsis), spec. n.
Archiperlaria Illies, 1960 (Plecoptera), sord. n.




How to Cite

Illies, J. 1960: Archiperlaria, eine neue Unterordnung der Plecopteren (Revision der Familien Eustheniidae und Diamphipnoidae) (Plecoptera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 10(7-8): 661–697 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.10.7-8.661-697


