The Alysiinae (Hym., Braconidae) parasites of the Agromyzidae (Diptera). I. General questions of taxonomy, biology and evolution.


  • Graham C. D. Griffiths



1. This paper is intended to be the first of a series dealing with the Alysiinae parasites of the Agromyzidae. The majority of these belong to the Dacnusini, and it is with that tribe that this paper is principally concerned. - 2. The morphological characters of the Alysiinae are analysed according to the principles of phylogenetic systematics defined by Hennig (1950) and as a result of this analysis a phylogeny tree is produced and changes are proposed in the previously accepted classification. The significance of the exodont mandibles of the Alysiinae is discussed and it is concluded that their normal function is to help secure the parasite's escape from puparia of cyclorrhaphous Diptera. - 3. Most Dacnusini show an exceptionally high degree of host specificity. Comparison of their phylogeny with their host association leads to the conclusion that the common ancest or of the tribe was probably associated with the ancestor(s) of one or both of two groups of Agromyzidae which are leaf-miners of monocotyledons. These are the Agromyza nigripes ambigua group and Cerodontha s. l. - 4. Appendices given include a practical key to the genera of Dacnusini, notes on some of Thomsons's (1895) and Förster's (1862) types, a revision of the Chorebus nydia group and descriptions of the new genus Protodacnusa and its species. One new species is described in the Chorebus nydia group and two in Protodacnusa.

Nomenclatural Acts

miser Nixon, 1954 (Antrusa), syn. n. of Protodacnusa aridula (Thomson, 1895)
persimilis Nixon, 1954 (Antrusa), syn. n. of Exotela melanocera (Thomson, 1895)
Ametria Förster, 1862 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chorebus Haliday, 1833
Chorebidea Nixon, 1943 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chaenusa Haliday, 1839
Chorebidella Riegel, 1950 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chaenusa Haliday, 1839
Coelinidea Viereck, 1913 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Coelinius Nees, 1818
Ectilis Nixon, 1943 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Synelix Förster, 1862
Eriocoelinius Viereck, 1913 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Coelinius Nees, 1818
Etriptes Nixon, 1943 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chorebus Haliday, 1833
Gyrocampa Förster, 1862 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chorebus Haliday, 1833
Paragyrocampa Tobias, 1962 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chorebus Haliday, 1833
Phaenolexis Förster, 1862 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chorebus Haliday, 1833
Polemochartus Schulz, 1911 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Coelinius Nees, 1818
Polemon Giraud, 1863 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Coelinius Nees, 1818
Protodacnusa Griffiths, 1964 (Braconidae), gen. n.
Sarops Nixon, 1942 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Synelix Förster, 1862
Stiphrocera Förster, 1862 (Braconidae), syn. n. of Chorebus Haliday, 1833
ampliator (Nees, 1834) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Alysia ampliator
brevicornis (Thomson, 1895) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Alysia (Dacnusa) brevicornis
cinctus (Haliday, 1839) (Chorebus), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Alysia (Dacnus) cincta
coxator (Thomson, 1895) (Chorebus), Lectotype; comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) coxator
crenulatus (Thomson, 1895) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) crenulata
glabriculus (Thomson, 1895) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) glabricula
lateralis (Haliday, 1839) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Alysia (Dacnusa) lateralis
nydia (Nixon, 1937) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa nydia
spenceri Griffiths, 1964 (Chorebus), spec. n.
bellina Nixon, 1937 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Exotela cyclogaster Förster, 1862
chrysippe Nixon, 1944 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Chorebus brevicornis (Thomson, 1895)
cortipalpis Nixon, 1937 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Chorebus glabriculus (Thomson, 1895)
ea Nixon, 1944 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Chorebus brevicornis (Thomson, 1895)
elegantula Nixon, 1937 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Chorebus crenulatus (Thomson, 1895)
mamertes Nixon, 1943 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Exotela interstitialis (Thomson, 1895)
melanocera Thomson sensu Nixon, 1937 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Exotela flavicoxa (Thomson, 1895)
monticola (Förster, 1862) (Dacnusa), comb. n. hitherto Brachystropha monticola
4-dentata Thomson, 1895 (Dacnusa (Dacnusa)), syn. n. of Amyras clandestina (Haliday, 1839)
castaneiventris Thomson, 1895 (Dacnusa (Dacnusa)), syn. n. of Chorebus cinctus (Haliday, 1839
coracina Stelfox, 1954 (Dacnusa (Rhizarcha?)), syn. n. of Brachystropha monticola (Förster, 1862)
flavicoxa (Thomson, 1895) (Exotela), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) flavicoxa
gilvipes (Haliday, 1839) (Exotela), comb. n. hitherto Alysia (Dacnusa) gilvipes
interstitialis (Thomson, 1895) (Exotela), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) interstitialis
melanocera (Thomson, 1895) (Exotela), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) melanocera
oligomera Förster, 1862 (Isomerista), syn. n. of Coloneura stylata Förster, 1862
taras Nixon, 1943 (Merites), syn. n. of Coloneura stylata Förster, 1862
atae (Nixon, 1943) (Priaspis), comb. n. hitherto Chorebus atae
aridula (Thomson, 1895) (Protodacnusa), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) aridula
litoralis Griffiths, 1964 (Protodacnusa), spec. n.
ruthei Griffiths, 1964 (Protodacnusa), spec. n.
tristis (Nees, 1834) (Protodacnusa), comb. n. hitherto Alysia tristis
mutia Nixon, 1948 (Rhizarcha), syn. n. of Brachystropha monticola (Förster, 1862)
nigricornis Förster, 1862 (Stiphrocera), syn. n. of Alysia ampliator (Nees, 1834)
agnata Förster, 1862 (Synelix), syn. n. of Synelix semirugosa (Haliday, 1839)
semirugosa (Haliday, 1839) (Synelix), comb. n. hitherto Alysia (Dacnusa) semirugosa
exilis Förster, 1862 (Trisisa), syn. n. of Coloneura stylata Förster, 1862




How to Cite

Griffiths, G. C. D. 1964: The Alysiinae (Hym., Braconidae) parasites of the Agromyzidae (Diptera). I. General questions of taxonomy, biology and evolution. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 14(7-8): 823–914 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.14.7-8.823-914


