Notes of European Agromyzidae (Diptera) - 1.


  • Kenneth Angus Spencer



Thirty species of European Agromyzidae are discussed and their status clarified, and 10 new synonymies are established. The male genitalia of 16 species are illustrated. Six new species are described in the genera Agromyza Fallen, Hexomyza Enderlein, Cerodontha Rondani, Liriomyza Mik and Phytagromyza Hendel.

Nomenclatural Acts

albipila Becker, 1908 (Agromyza), syn. n. of Agromyza luteifrons Strobl, 1906
bromi Spencer, 1966 (Agromyza), spec. n.
celtidis Nowakowski, 1960 (Agromyza), syn. n. of Agromyza trebinjensis Strobl, 1900
conjuncta Spencer, 1966 (Agromyza), spec. n.
nigrifemur Hendel, 1931 (Agromyza), Lectotype; syn. n. of Agromyza rondensis Strobl, 1900
novakii Strobl, 1902 (Agromyza), syn. n. Amauromyza morionella (Zetterstedt, 1848)
sulfuriceps Strobl, 1893 (Agromyza), Lectotype
veris Hering, 1951 (Agromyza), syn. n. of Agromyza rondensis Strobl, 1900
Irenomyia Nowakowski, 1960 (Agromyzidae), syn. n. of Melanophytobia Hering, 1960
balcanica Hendel, 1931 (Amauromyza), Lectotype described as Dizygomyza (Amauromyza) balcanica
vandalitiensis Spencer, 1966 (Cerodontha), spec. n.
occellaris Hendel, 1920 (Domomyza), syn. n. of Agromyza rondensis Strobl, 1900
centaureae Spencer, 1966 (Hexomyza), spec. n.
miki (Strobl, 1893) (Lemurimyza), comb. n. hitherto Agromyza miki
balcanica (Strobl, 1900) (Liriomyza), comb. n. hitherto Phytomyza balcanica
cyparissiae Groschke, 1955 (Liriomyza), syn. n. of Liriomyza balcanica (Strobl, 1900)
deficiens Hendel, 1931 (Liriomyza), Lectotype
esulae Hendel, 1931 (Liriomyza), syn. n. of Liriomyza balcanica (Strobl, 1900)
tibidabensis Spencer, 1966 (Liriomyza), spec. n.
obscura (Rohdendorf-Holmanová, 1959) (Melanophytobia), comb. n. hitherto Xeniomyza obscura
anomala (Strobl, 1893) (Phytagromyza), Lectotype described as Phytomyza anomala
mayeri Spencer, 1966 (Phytagromyza), spec. n.
tiefii Strobl, 1901 (Phytomyza), syn. n. of Liriomyza balcanica (Strobl, 1900)
czernyi (Strobl, 1909) (Ptochomyza), comb. n. hitherto Phytomyza czernyi




How to Cite

Spencer, K. A. 1966: Notes of European Agromyzidae (Diptera) - 1. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 16(3-4): 285–309 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.16.3-4.285-309


