Die Bedeutung der Insekten für die Verbreitung der infektiösen Eichenwelke.
Field studies and the evaluation of publications lead to the conclusion that the germs of vascular mycosis in oak are spread principally by insects injuring the trunk, which carry the spores of the pathogenic fungi on the surfaces of their bodies. The infection of the trees by the germs can take place actively (through injuries caused by the insects) or passively (through contact of the insects with existent mechanical injuries). The larvae of the insects help to spread the disease within the tree.
How to Cite
Minkevič, I. I. 1967: Die Bedeutung der Insekten für die Verbreitung der infektiösen Eichenwelke. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 17(1-2): 299–304 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.17.1-2.299-304