The Alysiinae (Hym., Braconidae) parasites of the Agromyzidae (Diptera). VI. The parasites of Cerodontha Rondani s. l.
1. This paper, the sixth of aseries, deals with the Alysiinae parasites in Europe of Cerodontha Rondani in the wide sense first proposed by Nowakowski (1962). The parasites belong to four genera of Dacnusini (Laotris, Exotela, Dacnusa and Chorebus) and the non-Dacnusine genus Dapsilarthra. - 2. Revised keys are given to the European representatives of several groups of Chorebus species, including the affinis group (a concept here proposed for the first time) and the very difficult ovalisjlateralis complex. Keys are also given to the parasites of certain host-groups, to facilitate the identification of bred material. - 3. Of the Dacnusini parasites treated in this paper, all the Laotris and Chorebus species exhibit a high degree of host specificity, but the single Exotela and two Dacnusa species are also known to attack other genera of Agromyzidae. A complete hostjparasite list has again been prepared, including revision of previous re cords for Europe. - 4. Fourteen new species are described, one in Dapsilarthra, one in Laotris and twelve in Chorebus.
Nomenclatural Acts
agraules (Nixon, 1945) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa agraules
asperrimus Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
asramenes (Nixon, 1945) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa asramenes
cytherea (Nixon, 1937) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa cytherea
difficilis Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
diremtus (Nees, 1834) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Alysia diremta
enephes (Nixon, 1945) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa enephes
fordi (Nixon, 1954) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Gyrocampa fordi
ganesa (Nixon, 1945) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa ganesa
gracilipes (Thomson, 1895) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa (Dacnusa) gracilipes
humeralis Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
iridis Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
lanigerus (Stelfox, 1957) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Gyrocampa lanigera
merella (Nixon, 1937) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa merella
metallicus Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
nigriscaposus (Nixon, 1949) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Gyrocampa nigriscaposa
nobilis Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
pelion (Nixon, 1944) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa pelion
poemyzae Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
rubicundus Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
siniffa (Nixon, 1937) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa siniffa
stilifer Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
subasper Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
transversus (Nixon, 1954) (Chorebus), comb. n. hitherto Dacnusa transversa
vernalis Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
vitripennis Griffiths, 1968 (Chorebus), spec. n.
calliope Nixon, 1944 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Dacnusa cytherea (Nixon, 1937)
tesmia Nixon, 1944 (Dacnusa), syn. n. of Dacnusa cytherea (Nixon, 1937)
fuscula Griffiths, 1968 (Dapsilarthra), spec. n.
propodealis Nixon, 1949 (Gyrocampa), syn. n. of Chorebus nigriscaposus (Nixon, 1949)
rupestris Griffiths, 1968 (Laotris), spec. n.