Tracheen im imaginalen Dipterenflügel.
It is sometimes stated in German entomological publications that cross veubs are not hollow and thus cannot contein tracheae or nerves; the wings of the dipterous imagines are said to be entirely without tracheae. Studies on the wings of several dipterous species and the evaluation of a paper by Arnold on the blood circulation in insect wings have shown that the wings of the Diptera contain tracheae and that the cross veins are hollow.
How to Cite
Scheller, O. 1970: Tracheen im imaginalen Dipterenflügel. - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 20(1-2): 13–18 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.20.1-2.13-18