Die Brenthiden der Westpalaearktis (Coleoptera: Rhynchophora).
It is given a first comphehensive account of the six west-palaearctic Brenthid-species.It is based on a thorough study of the leterature and an examination of material belonging to private and museum collections. Three of these species are also living in southern Europe. A key supported by nine figures leads to the following species: Eupsalis reichei (Fairm.), Symmorphocerus beloni Power and S. piochardi (Bedel), Amorhocephalus coronatus (Germar) and A. deserticolus Kleine. The discussion of each species is preceded by the important taxonominal literature, then biology, ecology (for instance the myrmecophil relations), ethology (especially of A. coronatus) and distribution are treated and a list of the habitats is given. Finally a map shows the geographical distribution of the west-palaearctic Brenthids. 64 references are presented.
Nomenclatural Acts
muchei Hertel, 1961 (Amorphocephalus), syn. n. of Symmorphocerus piochardi (Bedel, 1877)
saalasi Sahlberg, 1912 (Symmorphocerus), syn. n. of Symmorphocerus piochardi (Bedel, 1877)