Zur Kenntnis der Scydmaeniden-Fauna von Singapore, Malakka und Indonesien (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae).


  • Herbert Franz




The Scydmaenidae from the island of Singapore and the Malacca peninsula collected by Murphy and C. Schaufuss (now in the collection of Deutsches Entomologisches Institut) were evaluated, and in view of the close relations of the faunas of malacca, Singapore and the Sunda Isles also the species noted from there were considered. The following genera with their species are described: Scydmaenus with 10 species including 1 spec. nov., Horaemorphus with 1 species, Stenichnus with 1 species, Syndivus with 1 species, Clandularia (synonym of Euconnus), Euconnus with 30 species including 12 spec. nov., Parastenichnus gen. nov. with 2 spec. nov. A key is given to the numerous genus Euconnus.

Nomenclatural Acts

malakkanus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus), spec. n.
nutans Lhoste, 1939 (Euconnus), syn. n. of Euconnus (Euconnus) batavianus Reitter, 1882
ursinus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus), spec. n.
appendiculatus Schaufuss, 1889 (Euconnus (Napochus)), comb. n. described as Glandularia appendiculatus
brinchangi Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napochus)), spec. n.
fricatoris Schaufuss, 1889 (Euconnus (Napochus)), comb. n. described as Glandularia fricatoris
insulicola Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napochus)), spec. n.
parainsulicola Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napochus)), spec. n.
quadrifoveolatus Schaufuss, 1889 (Euconnus (Napochus)), comb. n. described as Glandularia quadrivoveolata
schaufussianus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napochus)), spec. n.
timahanus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napochus)), spec. n.
tricapucinus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napochus)), spec. n.
biarticulatus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napoconnus)), spec. n.
kelantanensis Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napoconnus)), spec. n.
murphyi Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napoconnus)), spec. n.
pulaianus Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napoconnus)), spec. n.
singaporensis Franz, 1970 (Euconnus (Napoconnus)), spec. n.
erichsoni Schaufuss, 1889 (Glandularia), syn. n. of Euconnus (Napochus) fricatoris (Schaufuss, 1889)
interruptus Schaufuss, 1889 (Glandularia), syn. n. of Euconnus (Napochus) vittatus (Schaufuss, 1889)
singaporensis Franz, 1970 (Parastenichnus), spec. n.
unicus Franz, 1970 (Parastenichnus), spec. n.
Glandularia Schaufuss, 1889 (Scydmaenidae), syn. n. of Napochus Reitter, 1881, a subgenus of Euconnus Thomson, 1859
Parastenichnus Franz, 1970 (Scydmaenidae), gen. n.
extensionis Schaufuss, 1889 (Scydmaenus), syn. n. of Scydmaenus ovicollis Schaufuss, 1884
kelantanensis Franz, 1970 (Scydmaenus), spec. n.
soror Franz, 1970 (Scydmaenus), spec. n.




How to Cite

Franz, H. 1970: Zur Kenntnis der Scydmaeniden-Fauna von Singapore, Malakka und Indonesien (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 20(5-6): 535–578 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.20.5-6.535-578


