Die Epermeniidae und Acrolepiidae des Vorderen und Mittleren Orients (Lepidoptera).
The data on the distribution of the two families in the region described above are compiled. Twenty species have been identified, three of them are described as new. Eperminia plumbeella is a synonym of Epermenia insecurella.
Nomenclatural Acts
afghanistanella Gaedike, 1971 (Cataplectica), spec. n.
vartianae Gaedike, 1971 (Cataplectica), spec. n.
glaseri Gaedike, 1971 (Digitivalva), spec. n.
plumbeella Rebel, 1915 (Epermenia), syn. n. of Epermenia insecurella (Stainton, 1854)
How to Cite
Gaedike, R. 1971: Die Epermeniidae und Acrolepiidae des Vorderen und Mittleren Orients (Lepidoptera). - Contributions to Entomology = Beiträge Zur Entomologie 21(1-2): 43–54 - doi: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.21.1-2.43-54