
EndNote is a chargeable, powerful research and reference manager on the Windows and Macintosh desktop. Ask your university library for a campus licenses.

Import the meta data of an article

Contributions to Entomology in the web browser (Firefox)

  • In on the details page under “How to Cite“ click “EndNote – EndNote-Format (Macintosh & Windows)
  • In the dialog box select “Open with EndNote”, and click [OK]

Direct import of a bibliography (when EndNote installed on the computer)

Contributions to Entomology in the web browser (Firefox)

  • In the table of contents or on the details page click [ENW]
  • In the dialog box select “Open with EndNote”, and click [OK]

Import a RIS file

Contributions to Entomology in the web browser (Firefox)

  • In the table of contents or on the details page click [ENW]
  • In the dialog box select “Save File”, and click [OK]


  • From the main menu select [File], [Import] and then [File…]
  • In the dialog box "Import File" select "Choose…", navigate to the saved file, and click [Open]
  • In the dialog box “Import Option” select “EndNote Import
  • In the dialog box decide „Duplicates“ and „Text Translation“ and click [Import]

Select or search for the citation style for Contributions to Entomology

(is not ready yet)

Known problems

The citation style "EndNote - EndNote Format (Macintosh & Windows)" does not export the volume data correctly. It can be found behind the page number (% V ...).